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Posts posted by Livia

  1. Okay, so I don't know if I should make a whole new thread about it or post it somewhere else, so please correct me if I'm doing it wrong.  :uncomfortable:


    Looking at the lyrics, “Lust For Life” immediately reminded me The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I feel that in this song, Lana is Daisy, one of the main characters from the novel. Here's why:



    Climb up the H of the Hollywood sign - it's symbolic: LA is a place when your dreams come true and you can start from a bottom to become powerful at the end. Gatsby wanted to get rich, he wrestled with aristocracy and he made it (I'm not sure about this one because Gatsby moved to New York to make it, not LA. But at the time, rich people were more at the East Coast, not West).


    “Take off all your clothes - Daisy and Gatsby were sleeping together, their relationship was only that at the beginning.

    “Then, we dance on the H of the Hollywood sign” - like I've said before, Gatsby is at the top of the hierarchy, and they're dancing because they were great party people.
    Cause we're the masters of our own fate We're the captains of our own souls - Gatsby organized the most epic events of the town, everyone wanted to attend them. Daisy and Gatsby were partying all days and nights, they were alcoholics. Furthermore, Gatsby made it to the top on his own, so everything is thanks to himself. Daisy's status is thanks to her husband Tom.
    “My boyfriend's back, and he's cooler than ever” - Gatsby and Daisy were lovers, but he didn't have money, so Daisy married Tom: he's “cooler” now because he became rich, and money the most important thing
    for Daisy in the novel.
    I told you twice in our love letter There's no stopping now, green lights forever - in the novel, Daisy wrote a letter do Gatsby and the green is a colour which takes a big place in the book, it symbolizes wealth.
    Please don't hesistate to tell me if it makes sense to you! I'm curious about your thoughts about it.

  2. To me the context that makes the most sense is that the song is about Barrie. Here's why I think that:

    'My baby used to dance underneath my architecture

    To the houses of the holy

    Smoking on them cigarettes'

    This first bit might be a bit of a reach but I live in Glasgow (where Barrie lives/is from). There's a small venue called Oran Mor where Lana/Kassidy used to frequent, which has really ornate architecture and is an old church - in 2011 when Videos Games started to blow up she played an intimate gig there and Kassidy played several gigs there including one where they covered Video Games if my memory serves me correctly. If the song is about Barrie that could be a reference to a place that was special to them, and also since it used to be a church ties in with the houses of the holy part. I think there's an early interview where she talks about spending a lot of time in Glasgow.


    'You were so obsessed with writing the next best American record

    You did it all for fame'

    I get that people think it can't be about Barrie because of the 'American' reference but I don't feel like that means that it needs to be from an American person, just the kind of global success that some iconic American albums have. Also the 'you did it all for the fame' lyrics could be to do with either their relationship, or him stepping out of her shadow or maybe even to do with him leaving his band and upping sticks to the states - he clearly did that to try and obtain some musical success for himself and left his long term band mates in his wake, and I wonder if it's a reference to that.


    'You did it all for fame

    Baby, how's life treating you now'

    From what I know from living here and hearing stuff through mutual associates life is not treating him so well. He's back in Glasgow now, last I heard living with his family (before he moved with her he lived with the kassidy boys). He plays occasional local gigs around Glasgow at student unions and bars. Nowhere near the life style he would of had with Lana and if he was using her for fame or to boost his own connections and career maybe she feels bitter about that? Remember she put kassidy as the support on her tour, it's a big change to go from playing arenas all over Europe to tiny venues around the town you grew up in.


    'How's that taste coming out'

    This is a big reason I feel it's hinting at Barrie, cos of the famous 'my pussy tastes like Pepsi cola' lyric which she has said Barrie came up with. The story was something along the lines of him thinking allAmerican girls were magical with vaginas that tasted of Pepsi cola, I think this is quite a bitter line and again could tie in with the 'American' theme.


    'He was seventies in spirit; nineties in his frame of mind'

    Going back to Ultraviolence I think two songs there that are about Barrie are Brooklyn Baby and Shades of Blue. Brooklyn Baby references the 70s and also some of the actual clothes/style Barrie goes for is quite 70s. In terms of the 90s frame of mind I think this is referencing Kurt Cobain, who they both seem quite obsessed with. Shades of Blue seems to hint that Barrie has some troubles with depression, something she alluded to at the time of the break up in that interview she did too. To me 90s frame of mind is referencing Barrie's likeness to Kurt's depression.


    Sorry if this would be better in the lanaysis thread I don't post really so not 100% on forum etiquette but just found the lyrics to the song interesting and there's chat in this thread about whether its about Barrie


    I love this theory! Especially the passage about Pepsi Cola.  :lolliney:

  3. I think what can explain why she's cutting so many people out of her life is the fact that she changes her entourage very often. She has her periods when she hangs out with the same people, but after some months or a year we see other people appearing on pictures. By looking at her candids, you can easily notice that. I guess she just don't let many people enter her life and when she discovered their persona she isn't interested anymore? She's happy with her close friends and family and she seems to be an introvert, so she isn't interested to have many people around her. I guess she isn't that kind of person who will call someone and ask how they are, she waits for others to do it, maybe that's why many people are "complaining" about her being silent and disappearing. I can be completely wrong, but that's how I see it, it's not bitchy to me.

  4. I saw an interesting theory about the lyrics in a Facebook group, and it's also what I think. It's different from what I read here, so I'm going to share it with you.


    So firstly, I think that the lyrics are having several dimensions, like it happens often with Lana.


    In the chours, she's talking to herself and "You were so obsessed with writing the next best American record" refers to Ultraviolence (because she really liked the sound of it and was really proud of it before it dropped out). It can also refer to the upcoming album.

    The next line is "You did it all for fame" - I see it being ironical, maybe refering to a lot of critics she received for songs like Money Power Glory and Fucked My Way Up To The Top?


    Next, she's not talking to herself but possibly her lover: "It’s you, all the roads lead to you, everything I want and do, all the things that I say", it has some Video Games vibes.


    "We lost track of space, we lost track of time" - she lost herself in those dreams. All along, she's doing some kind of introspection with her past and now she's breaking the glass, that's why we hear it broken in the last verse. She doesn't like fame, but she carry on for her fans.

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