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Posts posted by mymindtheweapon

  1. :eek:


    Your voice isn't necessarily bad, but the timing and notes on both covers aren't really... there. Of course the point of a cover is to put your own twist on it (I don't expect anyone to try and replicate the notes Lana sings), but it doesn't really for a good cover.


    (Not trying to be harsh - just giving some honest constructive critism. However, I may be the only one who thinks so (considering the praise you got above although they all mostly have to do with your looks :awk:, so take it with a pinch of salt.)


    sweet, first hater. BRING IT.


    How about a punch of salt? I honestly just play music for the girls, money and blow in no defined order. Also, your fancy "notes" and "timing" sounds a little self-righteous if you ask me. Music theory is for nerds and metronomes are for pussies. Let me ask you, how much money did you make last year? I have a vault of gold coins that I dive into every night Scrooge McDuck style. You aint even at my level. If you want to be a true creative genius like myself you have to think outside the box sometimes and play however the hell you want with no holds barred. I'm a fucking tiger bro, aint no constraints holding me back. That's how to keep the drugs and pussy on the table. springbreeaaaaak




    ...If you don't sense that I was joking I feel sorry for you. Honestly though, thanks for the feedback. These are my first couple covers I put out. I'm still kinda new to this "putting yourself out there" thing.

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