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Mind Melt

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Everything posted by Mind Melt

  1. Mind Melt


    CUZ I LOVE YOU - OUT NOW https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cuz-i-love-you/1452318774
  2. Honestly I never realized how hard it would be to rank this album. This is as accurate as I can think of it to be at this moment Born to Die Blue Jeans Diet Mountain Dew Radio This is what Makes Us Girls Off to the Races Without You Summertime Sadness Lucky Ones Dark Paradise Video Games National Anthem Lolita Million Dollar Man Carmen
  3. brooke lynn ate that fucking runway!!! and those lip syncs.......bitch
  4. im not saying that it would change anything at all lol, that wasn't the point of my post. im prepared for a bad cover honestly, most of her covers are relatively bad imo. all im saying all these inflammatory posts towards lana seem to be coming from a place of frustration, which will no longer exist when all of those things arrive, and most of yall are gonna go back to stanning as usual. i've seen several users express that they're not thrilled with the music this era, but even so that's not really part of what i was trying to say in the first place. also i never said anything would be hypocritical, i never said anyone hated her/anything, like i said before this all just seems to be coming from frustration of not having anything, and once she announces these things nobodys gonna care about that stuff anymore because what you were waiting for is over yeah i said that twice lol
  5. no all im saying is in this moment im seeing a lot of posts like "fuck lana, this release is the worst, we're not gonna buy this one we're not supporting her anymore" etc etc etc, but you know as soon as that itunes preorder hits with a new single & the cover art you're gonna see all of us going "YAAAS QUEEN IS BACK OMG WERE SO SORRY WE DOUBTED YOU WIG!!! SLAY MY PUSSY MOM!!!" its understandable to be extremely annoyed with how things are being handled but the drama in this thread sometimes..
  6. i just cant wait until she finally announces something & im gonna watch all of yall eating your lana-bashing words
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI2B83a9rzs
  8. so she just ripped my wig right off
  9. i really wasn't the biggest scarlet fan but she definitely got robbed, it really wans't her time to go and she won that lip sync
  10. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    so then that messy version is the final
  11. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    PLAYHOUSE i hope this isn't the final because it sounds a lil unpolished
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIknLI-yFiw
  13. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    is she on twitter/insta? i know shes locked out on her main, is cheapy locked out now too? and shes gotten suspended on twitter so many times on so many accounts i dont know which ones are real or fake anymore
  14. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    in excelsis is so good but the early snippet was 100x better i really like be my guest too your heir is nice kilo is cool a reworked version for herself would eat!! i already loved let you in as the snippet, i had no idea that was for anti
  15. well at least i can say i've gotten back into mac & vb kind of lately mac is so powerful and vb is just something i can kind of get lost in hiadt is.. nice
  16. ok so far i like please dont call me better than anything from love atm
  17. tomorrow (yosemite) never came whoever does mine pls dont pick west coast lmao
  18. reporting you for thinking the absolute masterpiece that is 24 should even come close to being on this list and yeah dlmbm isnt like amazing but its better than the flaming trash i posted in my list
  19. what are yalls top 5 for worst songs lana has released im curious Carmen God Bless America White Mustang Beautiful People Beautiful Problems Yayo (Paradise Version)
  20. eclipse is mostly right though lol i mean aside from we get so many leaks (which we obviously did but not anymore) and not fully knowing her unreleased catalog (bc some of us have been stanning for 7+ years) yeah the era has been crazy unprofessional, and she did start teasing really early, but like 2 years between an album isnt even that bad of a wait yall are just impatient af, and she did in fact release 3 songs during the wait. a lot of artists dont even release one song between album cycles with bigger gaps between releases than LFL to NFR
  21. i mean i definitely don't stan like i used to years ago, but i think that's just because i've gotten older and found better ways to occupy my time tbh i find myself skipping over her music sometimes when it comes on shuffle but thats also bc i feel that i've heard all of it so much before lol but i definitely dont see myself stopping listening to her any time soon even if her future music is utter shit i'll always have the classics
  22. 24 hours, heavy metal heart, american dream, lost in my bedroom, night time my time, you're not the one, ghost, red lips, everything is embarrassing, i can't say no to myself, elevator, on the wire
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