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Mind Melt

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Everything posted by Mind Melt

  1. okay how about this one please this would be so useful
  2. Listening Party if y'all are interested http://tinychat.com/p4fkvp
  3. The song was about Kim Kardashian this whole time...
  4. Do you guys have to turn EVERY thread into a mess Jesus Christ y'all need to breathe!!!
  5. I want Harmony Korine on this album
  6. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    We still getting bonus tracks?
  7. I want summery bops Lana give me the upbeat album I deserve
  8. March/April 2017 and I want an album of summery bops
  9. The URL says Lana Del Ray smh it's 2015 why is this STILL happening
  10. Best (In no order): Pretty When You Cry Is This Happiness West Coast Off to the Races Cruel World I'm a UV stan what can I say Worst (In no order): Carmen Yayo (Paradise version) Million Dollar Man Big Eyes 24 (Honestly it's not bad at all I just can NOT get into it)
  11. I saw the same thing lol a couple of them even have the same content, comparing it to BTD & Lorde
  12. I think Honeymoon has influences from both BTD and UV but still remains a completely different sound than either of them
  13. I saw this and I genuinely had no idea that it was her
  14. I honestly couldn't tell if that was positive or negative
  15. In Salvatore I thought she was singing "UV Blue and Green"
  16. Honestly it's really good But in the instrumental theres this baseball game sounding organ and it really bothers me, it's the ONLY reason I don't like it
  17. Salvatore Religion Music To Watch Boys To Freak Art Deco The Blackest Day High By The Beach Terrence Loves You Swan Song Honeymoon God Knows I Tried 24 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood I omitted Burnt Norton because it's not really a song. Overall, I have to say this album is a LOT better than I expected. I give it a 8.5/10 Ultraviolence>Honeymoon>Born To Die>Paradise
  18. Mind Melt


    the fact that she just goes blueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblue at that one part
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