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That G.U.Y

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Posts posted by That G.U.Y

  1. 1) Princess Die wasn't about the Princess, hence the 'e' on the end.


    2) R.Kelly wrote the verse he sings in Do What U Want 


    *case closed*

    A lot of singers uses marilyn monroe as reference, I mean, Madonna did it. And in the song "Dance In the Dark" GaGa says "You will never fall appart, Diana you're still in our hearts" (and the song where recorded before Lana became famous)
    Both Marylin and Diana are female icons that are used in the pop culture, and both GaGa and Lana uses pop culture as reference.

  2. Hmm... So it might not even be related to Lana at all. Emile might have just been strolling through an art gallery hah! But Lana had the painting ' The Garden of Eden' tie in with the Paradise artwork (the back cover); could this be something similar? Asian influences? Are we getting an album full of Maha Mahas? tumblr_mz9rwqADTL1qerg8so1_500.jpg(Edit by me! Hollaaa)

    That looks great!

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