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Posts posted by bambithebandit

  1. The problem is that it has impacts on people who aren't rich. Lana isn' the only one to profit of her music, there are plenty of LOWER paid people below her and pretty much every other artist who suffer when music is stolen or leaked. There will be plenty of people who will listen to leaks/illegally download NFR who won't have purchased the album, regardless of how many fans there are who have.


    I am in no way a 'defender of the rich', I am a massive leftie who believes in democratic socialism, but I will never think it is ok to steal music.


    Music is just to personal to artists, and I just think that it would be better that people heard it when Lana was ready for people to hear it.

    Alternatively, a lot of people who weren’t huge fans of Lust for Life were pretty outspoken about how they considered this album to be a massive improvement from her last. Hell, I’ll admit—even as a huge fan of Lana—I was only gonna buy the standard vinyl from the merch shop and ended up buying like three different vinyls, the cassette, AND a croptop because I was hype about the shitty iPhone leaks I heard.


    There’s been so little promotion for NFR that leaks are the only way a lot of people—especially people who aren’t in the stan community—have even heard about at all up until like, last week when they dropped FIILY/Greatest. There are always going to be people who don’t contribute and illegally pirate everything they listen to, yes, but just as many if not more WILL contribute, for that very reason; because they have something to look forward to.


    I’m aware there are people who get paid less than Lana or Jack or anyone involved on the front scene, but Lana’s management and her team’s overall lack of promotional push is far more to blame for any loss those individuals may face from the album losing sales. Again, this seems to be pushing a lot of blame onto the smallest fish in the sea—the consumers promoting and/or participating in piracy—rather than the rich and unfazed individuals at the top who should be ensuring no one who works for them is suffering the blows of their agency’s lax security/lazy promotion.


    In terms of the artistic perspective, I CAN see where you’re coming from—and why certain fans consider it disrespectful or hurtful to the creator to listen or spread their work before they intended for it to be heard. It just seems like a lot of people are directing their anger towards other fans rather than the actual cause or source of the leaks.

  2. ‪I cannot wrap my head around how upset some fans are about this album leak. Lana—a millionaire—is sitting in a mansion in the Hollywood Hills rn, completely unbothered by the ppl listening to leaks. ‬Meanwhile some people online are acting like fans stole an armful of cd’s from a table at a DIY show.‬ ‪The NFR leak will have virtually no impact on Lana’s quality of life/career, so why are people so pressed?


    I love Lana with my entire heart, but it seems so silly to guilt fans as though she’s not perfectly comfortable in a system where the rich guiltlessly hoard the vast majority of this country’s wealth, and we all need to eat said system’s ass + beg for forgiveness any time we step out of line.‬ ‪Not to mention, most of the ppl listening to leaks are fans who’ve already pre-ordered tour tickets, merch, AND the record, so it’s not as if the album went viral to rampant freeloaders.


    I know it’s going to get brought up again if and when the record doesn’t measure up as projected in sales or rating—even though we all know it’s a timing/promotion issue more than anything else. Granted, it can be considered “disrespectful” to the artist to have their art shared before launch, and I’ve been seeing that side of the argument all over Twitter as well. But albums get leaked all the time, and some people are acting like Lana is holed up in an attic crying into her starbucks cup over NFR getting leaked 3 days early. PLS make it make sense. :(

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