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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Screenshot and link to tweet here: It should be noted that she doesn't explicitly say the video is for "Ooh Baby", just that she worked on "Ooh Baby" and this mink coat video in the same week.
  2. Wasn't her uncle's place on Long Island? NJ would be the trailer park in North Bergen which is on the other side of the Hudson from Manhattan. Hence why the lyrics once referred specifically to the Lincoln Tunnel, even though it doesn't make sense with the rest of the song's geography (a two hour driving radius from Las Vegas).
  3. I'd never thought of it that way before, and who knows if she intended it that way, but I think that's a really interesting interpretation. Definitely changes the way I experience the song a little. I think this is a very timely and thought-provoking piece for Lana fans, even if ultimately I'm not sure I buy much of it. A lot of her themes are pretty relevant to the current American political moment-- there's a reason a lot of people have been wondering if she might be a Trump supporter despite all evidence of her actual political beliefs indicating otherwise-- but contrary to the article, I think she glorifies as much as she confronts "the dark side of the American dream". I'm really interested to see some discussion about this article.
  4. Well, if you care that LanaBoards exists, and remains a mostly open discussion forum, these are pretty fundamental issues. Lana's management has insinuated legal threats against this forum in the past, and they've had other fan sites shut down, so it's important we minimize that risk. At the same time, they've also tried to censor us beyond legitimate takedown requests, and we shouldn't give in to that or self-censorship. I know everyone likes to make everything out to be super dramatic, but this really isn't. We're all basically in agreement that we don't want the album to leak here, and we don't want people posting information about it from shady sources that might attract unwanted attention to the poster and the forum from Lana's management. I'm just quibbling with some of the wording because it sounded like it went against something I considered pretty fundamental to the forum. That's all.
  5. tl;dr version The mod staff unanimously agrees: WE DO NOT WANT THE ALBUM, OR INFORMATION ABOUT IT OBTAINED IN QUESTIONABLE WAYS, TO LEAK HERE FIRST. ...but it's not really about "the safety of Lana" (nor should it be), it's about the safety of the forum, and our concerns that details seem to be leaking out, and our belief that Lana's management is taking that seriously and watching the community closely. ----- Nothing personal against @@Elle or the rest of the moderating staff, and I'm not trying to be a dick here (though probably succeeding), but I have some issues with the way this is worded (which have been partially echoed by other members like @@Atom Heart) that I tried to resolve privately, have not been addressed to my satisfaction, and I feel strongly about them, so I'm airing publicly much of what I said privately: Mods don't have the ability to do this, and to my knowledge, I don't believe the admin does either. (Though I was always paranoid about this during the reign of King Tiarnan . And please let us know if that is possible @@Elle!) We have had an existing policy against trading in PMs which has understandably led people to speculate that we must have some ability to read PMs if we're talking about regulating them, but what that's really about is if someone reports to us that they were approached via PM about trading, or sends us a screenshot. Now this way of saying it I agree with. Without endorsing any of the specific points here, the overall thrust is exactly right: This idea of not posting stuff "that may upset Lana" is completely incongruous with what this forum is or should be. It's frankly absurd. HDB is right. That's probably literally the worst example you could pick to make your point. But I think the Nowels leaks are a good example to illustrate what I think is and is not the appropriate role of the forum. In my personal capacity, I relentlessly warned people against leaking them beforehand and tongue-lashed people afterwards. But when I saw people start posting links to parts of Rick's site that I knew would almost certainly lead to the tracks leaking, I didn't use my mod powers to censor it. For one thing, it would've just drawn more attention to it and would ultimately have been futile. But her team fucked up, the files were publicly accessible, and therefore fair game to post, even if I didn't personally think it was wise to do so.
  6. ...On the playground is where I spent most of my days... Botox and Rhinoplasty
  7. There is something super ironic about this that is especially hilarious to me that I will explain at a later date.
  8. Ewww @ Emile Haynie. Benny Blanco? I have really complicated/mixed feelings about that...
  9. Sometimes my kid. But also Trump-induced existential dread.
  10. If that's the case, she's not alone.
  11. Nah. Basically there's a bunch of lyrics threads for leaked unreleased songs (and the individual Paradise songs) that haven't been added to the OP. I can't be bothered to find them all, but if others are willing to go through and list what's missing I'll add them to the OP.
  12. There's a lot of threads not listed in the OP that should be. If anyone would be so kind as to list the ones that are missing I'll add them to the OP. It would also be appreciated if someone would list the individual threads for Paradise tracks as the OP still links to a misguided thread containing lyrics to all songs off the EP.
  13. Oops. I guess I didn't listen carefully the first time. LOL. Thanks! This is great. Mind if I use it if I ever finish another covers themed podcast?
  14. Listen to Edward Snowden. Everyone should do this. Especially celebs who have been frequently hacked/had their privacy invaded. Hmm. Has anyone identified the exact backing track she uses in the video? Would love it if someone could make a cleaned up version using the original backing track.
  15. Idk about Santa, but @Monicker definitely came.
  16. Several of you mention exaggeration or details changing, but the broad outlines, which most of you seem to implicitly accept in your posts as probably true, are consistent in this account and her telling on Seth Meyers (as is the mention of Nancy Pelosi): that Lana said something to her about her being put on the worst dressed list. And it's certainly in character for her. But honestly, you haven't made it in showbiz if you haven't been put on a worst dressed list. Lame to complain about such a tame gibe, especially to a comedian. But this argument is boring me to death and I'm already dead. I gotta go pick up my kid.
  17. Oh, no question Azealia and Kanye are multiple orders of magnitude worse. But having your outfit criticized by silly entertainment shows is just par for the course when you're a celebrity. I don't understand why she takes it so personally. And I dunno about you, but if I were sitting at a table with Kathy Griffin and Nancy Pelosi that's not a subject I'd bother with. I also think a lot of people here would look at this situation quite a bit differently if it didn't involve someone they stan.
  18. A while back, I think in a status update, someone posted a link to an article calling Lana Del Rey the Donald Trump of music, or something like that. I thought it was a ridiculous comparison. But they do share this in common: They are incredibly thin-skinned and have a bizarre compulsion to relitigate every slight in a way that diminishes them.
  19. Someone call Nancy Pelosi's office for comment.
  20. Is the account still active? Have you tried shooting them a message? Also, thanks for your continued diligence on the Interviews section!
  21. I'm quite skeptical of there being a literal K who was literally on death row. Yeah, I've essentially done this before. I looked at death row inmates with convictions for multiple homicides in states she may have lived in from when she was in high school until "For K" was written. There just aren't that many candidates because (thankfully) not that many people receive death sentences anymore. And when you narrow it down to people with a first or last name beginning with a 'K', I don't think I ended up with anyone I considered likely. But if any of you want to dig, you should be able to find information online at sites like this: http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/federal-death-row-prisoners
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