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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Monicker and I are probably the only ones here old enough to remember when MTV was still cool. Once upon a time they actually played MUSIC VIDEOS!
  2. Technically speaking, this has already happened: http://lanaboards.co...-mtv-unplugged/ http://lanaboards.co...ando-diao-live/
  3. Maybe he'll turn into a she with another retelling. It'd make a better story that way.
  4. While there's some evidence "River Road" could be "Next to Me", I haven't seen or heard enough to conclude that it is, or that it's necessarily any song off Sirens.
  5. Let me ask this old Cuban geezer who's even more ancient than I am and I'll get back to you.
  6. You forgot to ask who she'd like to work with, living or dead. #OriginalQuestions
  7. ^ No, I was making reference to the line "And you salute me, Miss America, because I am" from "Mermaid Motel" and the fact that "Miss America" is an alternate title for "Trash Magic".
  8. I'd take her to the Pomferania (and buy her a slice of cherry pie) so I could find out what the hell that place is really called.
  9. You're right. Everyone is going to hate you.
  10. In all seriousness, if I could be Lana for one week, I would: - Leak all my songs and videos in the highest quality possible, including all my old DIY videos, MySpace tracks, and material on file with the US copyright office - Reveal the identity and full back story of K - Hire Trash Magic to do the cover art for my next project - Give Madrigal a complete production chronology - Give SitarHero a complete history of my relationships and any references to them in my songs - Record an album with Monicker in an old Hollywood mansion - Answer all of evilentity's questions about my life and career before "Video Games" - Give a private concert at evilentity's house and pay for travel and accommodations for all prominent LanaBoards members past and present to attend Oh, and fire Ben Mawson.
  11. You mean aside from finding out what my pussy really tastes like?
  12. These are assumptions you're making based off the evidence. You could be right, but I wouldn't state it as fact. There could be other explanations for multiple registrations.
  13. I'd actually have no problem with her bashing America if she was making some kind of political statement (I love the Dixie Chicks for that very reason even though I think their music sucks) but that's not what's going on here. She seems to be doing it just because the American music press was a little rough on her, even though it was partly warranted. She should be laughing off the criticism all the way to the bank.
  14. Burned into my brain are these stolen images. Lana's trying to tell you something.
  15. Exclusive video of lolalitahey's response to American fans complaining about the lack of US tour dates:
  16. Back at ya. :sarcastic: The quickness with which you and lola call someone 'whiny' (especially a new user) not even for complaining, but for merely pointing out that "the lack of an American tour is kinda strange" is excessive and just puts people on the defensive and actually invites more complaining.
  17. I agree that it may not have been necessary to create another thread about this issue, but the complaints are not without good reason. America is her home country and a major theme in her music. Yet it feels as if she is snubbing her American fans and punishing them for the (sometimes, but not always unfair) treatment she received in the American music press. Granted, she is not as popular here relative to other artists as elsewhere, but in terms of total sales, the US has got to be one of her biggest markets. It has a population of over 300 million people. Imagine you were as big of a fan of a German artist who rarely ever performed in Germany, or even anywhere in Western Europe, but played shows all the time all over the United States. Now let's also imagine that they are less popular in Germany than elsewhere, but that there was still more than enough demand to justify a German tour and that their decision not to tour Germany probably didn't even make sense strictly from a financial perspective. I doubt you would find complaints about that as irritating. Frankly, I'm getting tired of non-American fans complaining about what I think is a pretty fair complaint. Actually, I've seen UK fans complain just as much about there not being MOAR UK dates, even though they've had the most opportunities to see her of anybody. And a lot of the complaints from Americans have been in response to people from other countries complaining about her not touring their country enough.
  18. evilentity


    If you read my OP I refer to "According to You" as 'pop schlock' and ask why the hell she wastes her talent on shit like that. Your hearing that song (or anything else off her shitty 2009 pop album Believe) would be like if you had been introduced to Lana with "Lucky Ones". Seriously, go back and watch/listen to the other stuff of hers I posted.
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