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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Maybe she'll be hiding Where's Waldo?-style in a few frames...
  2. Yes, it was recorded in Lake Placid. See here. Not to my knowledge.
  3. If someone else hadn't already changed it, I'd have renamed it "Lana nominated to be nominated for 4 grammy awards!"
  4. America might be the market she performs the worst in relative to other artists, but in terms of total units, I'm sure it's far from her smallest market.
  5. A tracklisting, a description of the music, and a picture of the cover might help.
  6. She seems to shun everything American these days.
  7. I remember one Halloween I passed out candy while my mom played Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on her organ. Good times.
  8. Ha, I'd have to borrow Sitar's "vinyl" player as well. Do you think Lizzy really ever played the Wurlitzer?
  9. The Best of Carly Simon is one of the few vinyl albums my mother owns, I think. Along with Simon & Garfunkel's Greatest Hits, a Doobie Brothers album, some folk compilation album with Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, & Country Joe and the Fish, a Wurlitzer album, and probably some 70s gospel albums. And to think I used to mock her music tastes aside from Simon & Garfunkel.
  10. That would be awesome! Though I'd have to make more last minute additions to the covers-themed podcast I'm working on.
  11. Imagine what I didn't post in the "I think she's pregnant" thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v-P4by2TL8
  12. I was hoping it would be about a traitor in her camp who would leak us a bunch of songs.
  13. Sick as ca-cancer. #27Club
  14. Would it make me a horrible person if I said it was an album almost as old as Sirens?
  15. evilentity


    I love it when Latina porn actresses yell "Ay papi!" That shit is sexy.
  16. evilentity


    How can ketamine do time or be tried for double homicide?
  17. evilentity


    Neither was I. There are familial power dynamics at play even among related adults that I think call into question the notion of consent. No, I agree with you on that.
  18. evilentity


    I'm willing to entertain the idea. Especially when it's two hawt sisters. In all seriousness though, I agree with you about consensual incest, which I believe is possible between siblings. But since we're talking about parent/child incest here, there is almost invariably a power dynamic at play that renders questionable the very concept of consent in this context. And I imagine this would often be the case in sibling relationships as well, especially if there is an age difference. Um, I think NAMBLA makes the same argument.
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