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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I was just thinking of that song, but more in relation to Gods and Monsters: "Living in the garden of evil."
  2. And that wasn't the only time Jimmy Gnecco and Reeve Carney performed together: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1xj1aAsrX8
  3. Ah, yes, you're right. On both counts.
  4. Yes. I wasn't sure if it's "Well, you lied" or "Were you lying?" Also: We’re in that Chevrolet from July to July I was born so bad I'd naturally [ride/write?] You would drop by in a Chevrolet And what the fuck kind of milkshake is that? Phonetically, it sounds like Plass-o-bite.
  5. Fun fact: KT Tunstall attended the same boarding school as Lana.
  6. "This limited, gold embossed box set is a celebration of The Paradise edition and is only available from this store."
  7. £35.99, which is about 58.46 USD, or about $20 more than I'd be willing to spend.
  8. Did you figure out how much it would cost in US or Canadian dollars to have shipped to an address in North America?
  9. Someone please record this. I need this in my life.
  10. According to that article, "Ride" was produced by Rick Rubin. Do we have any other confirmation of that? Because that would explain why it sounds better than the other songs from what we've heard so far.
  11. evilentity


    Very catchy, poppy, etc. Sounds very Madonna-esque to me. But it's almost completely ruined by "That's Dope!"/"That's sick!" So lame. I guess it runs in the family.
  12. According to the person I believe to be the original source, he did not have a track listing, so all the song titles on Sirens are invented and speculative. I've also always wondered if "For K" is really titled "Sirens" and if there was a connection between "Pretty Baby" and "For K Part 2" since the chorus goes "Pretty Baby".
  13. Yes, it's a miracle that both "Body Electric" and "Yayo" may not suffer too much from the production. But the vocals, and whatever they've done to them, are terrible. HDB & Monicker, I couldn't disagree with you more on the BE vocals. Those growly, unhinged live vocals-- almost out of control, but not quite-- are what made BE so good. The studio BE vocal is the textbook example of one of those restrained vocals of hers that captures nothing of the magic of her live performances, and is only possibly eclipsed in that regard by the disparity between the studio and live versions of MDM. And you know how much I rave about that. Similarly, this "Yayo" vocal is inferior to any other version of "Yayo" we've heard. She's late on "ink blue" and whatever processing they've done to her voice is atrocious. Now I think you're just fucking insane. My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola? My eyes were wide like cherry pies? The ridiculous lyrics ruin everything. Auto-Tuned Loon could write better lyrics than this. Yeah, which makes me surprised it's not better. Madrigal, do you know which tracks he was involved with? I wish she'd made an album with just Rick Rubin.
  14. I couldn't agree more. However, the proper release of "Yayo" would be the version off AKA, along with the rest of AKA. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:
  15. Maybe Will Smith can do the guest rapper cameo on the remix. Or failing that, Jay Pharoah.
  16. If Emile Haynie lays a finger on Yayo, I'm gonna go postal. And if A-TL is on it... you don't even want to know what will happen. I'm also saddened that the inclusion of Yayo probably means a re-release of AKA at some point is even more unlikely.
  17. There's been a lot of drama over comments in status updates about the line "I'm a fan of pro-ana nation." I think it's an interesting subject, and would like to discuss it here, if we can avoid the drama. While I agree with people critical of the line that it would be problematic if Lana were advocating anorexia, and I see the potential for anorexics to latch onto this, but I don't think that's what she's doing here. To the contrary. She's no more advocating anorexia than she is advocating drugs, drinking, getting beaten by someone with tats on his ass, or fucking your teachers. She's painting a picture of how fucked up she or other girls were in boarding school. The song is written from that perspective, but portrays that perspective as something fucked up.
  18. In one case, everything personal has already been discussed somewhere on this forum now. There are things relating to her career of legitimate interest to fans that couldn't be shared without revealing the person's name and their connection to Lana. But now that that personal stuff is out there, I might as well share the stuff of legitimate interest once I follow up on one last detail. That is, unless we decide the personal things should be removed.
  19. While I'm sometimes uncomfortable about personal information people post here (especially namedropping regular people), I'd also feel somewhat uncomfortable using my mod powers this way, although some circumstances may warrant it. I once PMed someone on LDR.FM suggesting they take some information they'd posted down, but I'm not sure if I was right to do so. And I'm not trying to shit on Sitar's post, just trying to foster a discussion over an issue I think we should grapple with. I'd like to see us come to a consensus as a community about what should or shouldn't be posted. However, I'd be lying if I denied that a part of me likes seeing people name names because then I feel more free to share the information of legitmate interest surrounding these people without having to feel guilty for being the one to spill their names. Please be the return of your Kill Kill/Dark Paradise connection.
  20. Discussing public figures like Jimmy Gnecco and Reeve Carney in this manner is one thing, but I have to say that naming regular people she had relationships with and speculating wildly about them makes me uncomfortable, especially when you get some details wrong (i.e. there's no evidence she was more than friends with Chris C.). As a celebrity, it comes with the territory that some of her personal life will be made public. But don't regular people who had relationships with her before she was famous deserve some privacy? I feel this is a far more important matter in respecting privacy than leaks. This can be a murky issue. I know a lot more information about two of the people talked about here. And there are things that are of legitimate interest to fans. But I'd been sitting on the information for some time because I didn't know how to present it without naming names. However, now that these names have been circulating quite a bit, maybe I might as well share it. :\ I'm curious what people think about the issue in general. Should we start a separate thread to discuss what personal information about Lana and people connected to her we think is appropriate to share?
  21. I wondered the same thing. And yet it's still better than anything Emile Haynie's done for her.
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