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Posts posted by HighByHoneymoon

  1. There's no such thing as a promotional single AFTER an album is released.


    I'll try to be more polite, but a certain member just keep making me kiiii


    GOSH it might be a SINGLE, ok?

    Like you can just say it politely, but what you are doing is just rude. Please if you hate so many of the members, then leave. 

    You are so eager to drag everybody. Just why can't we go along, share infos and enjoy the music together?! That is what this website is for.  :facepalm:

  2. You, that Vertigo bitch who complains about everything (on top of that write in freaking ESSAY format), that Salvatore bitch and LanaDelReyGlobe are shittiest members on this board.


    LanaGlobe is the fucking dumbest. Bitch is so fucking dumb even on Twitter... I just kii


    Xoxox. And Graham is amazingZ.


    You are the dumbest because you just want to start a fight.

    Shut the fuck up and just keep this thread only Honeymoon news not starting a shitty drag.

    So annoying there should be a new thread to restrict off-point comments.


    At least Globe leaked WFL instrumental and Honeymoon track credits, have you done anything cool for us? :crossed:

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