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Poor Stacy

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Everything posted by Poor Stacy

  1. Oh, they definitely will. Tonight around midnight is when all the big reviews will come in. At once.
  2. Slant went with a 70 https://www.slantmagazine.com/music/review-with-chemtrails-over-the-country-club-lana-del-rey-turns-further-inward/
  3. The Line of Best Fit review is gone... Wonder if they're editing it, or published their review too early or something.
  4. That's relieving to know! If Lana gets another 80, the Metacritic should start out around 84. Personally hoping it stays over 80. The reviews are promising so far, but I don't want to get too excited/confident.
  5. I'm sure Lana could have gotten #1 if her team didn't completely fuck up the physical distribution of the album, leading to a bunch of people buying it early. The album's all over YouTube, too. But I guess we'll see what happens. As long as the fans show up and buy it.
  6. I fucking hate The Guardian. They gave NFR 3 stars and I remember fuming. I actually wrote a response in their comments politely collecting Alexis. If they don't give her 4 stars this time I'm going to go postal.
  7. I think it's straight 80s so far? All Music - 80 The Line of Best Fit - 80 Mojo - 80 For the reviews that count toward MC, that is.
  8. Yeah, I haven't heard it in like almost a week, but on my first few listens, I found it more pensive, reflective, and wistful than anything. It feels too simplistic to call it "dark" or "light" because it's such an existential album, it has shades of everything. Idk. It's funny that this is the album she's releasing off the back of Question For The Culture because it doesn't have hardly any of the angst found in her last few albums. In fact, it's easily her most mature album yet.
  9. Same. I'm so tired of people calling her a racist on other forums. They won't talk about the music, and I think it's crazy when COCC is so good.
  10. Less than 24 hrs til I get to listen to COCC again we get to listen to COCC together! IT'S BEEN A LONG SEVEN DAYS OF ABSTINENCE
  11. So ridiculous. I've been giving her team the benefit of the doubt this entire time, but they really fucking suck. Anyone else's team would have had that snatched down in a second. They're not even trying this era. And now she's losing 24 hrs of streams because of it.
  12. Yessss. Way to sum it up into words for me perfectly.
  13. I've always heard "It's beautiful, how this deep normality settles down over me" and "Baby, what of it?", so those make sense to me, at least. I wish she would have printed the rest of the lyrics. I know she's straight up said that she only prints some of them, a song or two or choice quotes, but damn...
  14. I'm suddenly thinking grey might be the best variant! She just seems like a superior kind of girl.
  15. Queen of stripping back the stripped back. Next album will be a surprise release with zero promo and nothing but a front cover for artwork!
  16. i figure anyone who wanted the leak has it anyway, lol. Poor Stacy... pls spare me, mods. mod queue the day before the album is out is gonna make me want to die.
  17. mxvlkmxvlkxcmvcklxmvlkxcvlx fuck. I didn't mean to ~share the link~ mods, I'm sorry, I was hoping someone else would be able to help report it/get it taken down!!! my bad!!!!! it's gone now
  18. Someone just uploaded the entire album to YouTube with no restrictions. My God, what a mess of a rollout. Her team is something else.
  19. Definitely prefer the gatefold w/o the text on it.
  20. I see LanaBoards is back to being its miserable self just in time for the album release.
  21. Wow, I love the yellow variant. So happy it's a fitting pale/pastel yellow rather than some bright, neon thing.
  22. People are so weird. What a shame, I thought it looked pretty good.
  23. Thank you for this. Always annoying when ppl come out of the woodwork just to bitch, and don't even talk about the music, lol.
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