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Everything posted by viagra

  1. Ugh this place is so stupid and toxic. Y´all constantly worry about leakers and possible leaks and yet probably all the people who have the songs and could possibly leak them are here, among us. Good work, Eclipse and his circle jerking minions, you made Lana and her team so feared and concerned they have to haunt instagram and tumblr profiles because of some stupid still and only because you couldnt deny yourself putting your filthy hands over something you dont own. What kind of fans.
  2. What is there even to manage ? She wont do any promo, tv appearances ... and I dont think we can blame Ben for this. The most powerful promo has always been social media for her anyway and now she stays silent there as well. Honestly I dont see what is bad about talking of the new direction you are taking with the new album and hype people without spoiling anything. Everybody does that. Right now she can release the new album with suprise. It doesnt really matter since basically nobody knows and cares about the new album besides her few fans.
  3. She could sue him right away. I dont think she is acting faux friendly to him.
  4. Oh please. My post wasnt written in angry mad mood at all and definitely wasnt targeted at anyone specific to make them feel bad. How are you actually trying to prevent this from leaking ? By coming here and saying that you saw still leaks and many people have it ? Yeah thats the way to do it If many people had it the song would be already leaked since there is a way to do it pretty anonymously and not everyone is such a Lana stan as Eclipse. Anytime when songs leak before the album there are all over the internet, onion forums... laying there for days before anyone takes them down. Ofc you wouldnt post it in Lanaboards forum to make it so evident. Lana´s team is not almighty to sweep any trace off the internet.
  5. Im so done with this. Over last weeks new members sign up here to just talk about YAIL song leak, video leak and now single cover leak. Yet no one else (besides Eclipse) has seen it here and there isnt any single proof that the leaking is actually happening. These "claims" are boring and annoying. I have highly suspicious opinion about members that start their posting history here by "Hey I´ve just seen the video still".
  6. What people ? I havent seen anyone but Eclipse to actually hear it.
  7. So many people ? And yet no mention on TUMBLR, twitter anywhere. The only ones who mentioned here was you and another profile with 20 post count. If you have it and dont want to share it, discuss it - i dont see why u make people just thirsty.
  8. http://read.tidal.com/article/sondre-lerche-talks-why-we-cant-stop-staring-at-lana-del-rey I wish Lana would like to more explore the dualism of her character. The truly intriguing thing I find about her music is the play on what she truly is and what she wants us to believe she is. I want to see the deconstruction her mask - party girl singing love songs accompanied by the languished boring music of Honeymoon behind which she hides her naked inner self full of insecurities, guilt and existential anxiety. The defense camouflage mechanism for us to never understand her, to never see behind the courtains. The dualism of outer and inner self, body and tricky mind, polarizing entities which then merge into full one. After all we all have our own Lana Del Rey persona. We carefully chooses the words we express to others, the behavioural acts we play in the fake performance of our everyday life. As Lana we seek parties, drugs and sex. Noisy and agressive. Just the actions not to be lonely. Which we are afraid to be, alone only with our own vulnerable existence.
  9. viagra

    Weyes Blood

    How did I miss this ? Her last album is so great, every Lana fan should listen to it.
  10. If its really true its only matter of time when it actually leaks. People really buy songs from traders ? Why would anyone spend money on the song they are going to hear soon anyway (unless they want to leak it and make promo) ? I would understand if people liked to buy some rare unreleased tracks but this is just waste of money.
  11. Hmm what ? Her vocals are perfect in HM. Clean, yet not digitally overpolished like in BTD.
  12. He heard only a lead single in final form. HBTB wasnt a reflection of the album as well, huh I would be suprised if Rick didnt smuggle any strings into the album.
  13. Ready for what actually ? She usually just drops a single and let it be ? Will be there any promo around lead single this time ?
  14. Your music knowledge is so limited. He is iconic in american alternative scene. He could bring a lot of attention to Lana from hipster, alt scene. Thats probably the people Lana wants to target since she gave up on any mainstream promotion.
  15. Eclipse from ATRL: Their messiness and lack of security are kinda the reason why some people have the single already. If it was published through SonyATV, we wouldn't have this **** happening. That means more people have it and it could leak ?
  16. The first song that introduced the era was the title song. I dont think anybody expected commercial album after hearing that.
  17. Why should she be so literate ? Thats fucking boring. I was happy for the video, it revealed the layered meaning of the song for those who didnt get it from the song.
  18. The title Benny Blanco Another random announcement of the lead single, now even without Lana´s knowledge It seems LDR4 will be more colaborative album than her last two. Who would thought Lana would work with such a generic producer like Benny Blanco. I wonder what other names will we get.
  19. Sometimes he is delusional, sometimes his parallels are actually interesting. But I was reacting to his argument two pages ago which was very sensible reaction to some peple here.
  20. Because you cant argument with him ? I didnt know u were such a chicken. Azealia didnt teach you anything.
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