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Posts posted by SureJeeen

  1. Overall the movie is actually pretty cute. Not a blockbuster, but for an artist making their first movie, definitly a cool thing to have (and as a fan to see). It's like she said a quite fun, campy movie, which actually feels sometimes more like a long music video. The plot is sometimes not very clear and there are some unreasonable jumps to other scenes.

    For example, Strawberry Shortcake and High School Sweethearts are like a seperate music video. They don't add much to the plot and don't really show some other relevant details.

    There is definitly society critic here and there, sometimes even a bit too much, too obvious or too random. Otherwise there are a lot of very cool choreographies and beautiful asthetics and jokes that lets you smirk. 

    If i had to rate it, i would give it a 7/10.

  2. So Godless is gone from Spotify again. It's was actually quite fishy since Spotify was the only one that had Godless up. When it came out in my country, I checked iTunes, Amazon and Google Play to buy the single but none of them had it. So my guess is that it was there by accident

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