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Everything posted by pussycat

  1. dude I know lol marilyn was so teeny tiny it's not like sizes matter bc tbh they frickin don't but she was not plus size in any sense of the word she just gets labeled like that so often! Weird
  2. you could hurt someones feelings saying that! you dont wanna hurt anybodys feelings <3
  3. everybody in the thread is like my grandma calling everyone fat with no shame lmfao
  4. thas what im trying to say! dam lana youre so perf <3
  5. duke no way lmao what shows did you used to watch as a child?
  6. how can you tell shes gained weight? Im so bad at that stuff lol she looks great though youre right <3
  7. shes saying hurry the f up and get me out ofthis damn heat I dont think so lol
  8. oh my gosh! well it was like a skit show that amanda had and she was really hilarious I remember watching it and loving it a lot. Along with "all that" both of those shows were skit type of shows I guess like a saturday night live type thing. Do you know the show Drake and Josh? they both came from the amanda show. It was a pretty talented group of kids
  9. you never watched the amanda show? amanda pls
  10. do you guys understand thisi fucking live in chatsworth what the fuck lana come over ill make you some ice tea
  11. No but honestly I don't have any tattoos but obvi tattoos are v popular now and everyone I know that has them gets pissed when people take ideas like that i think it's a tattoo culture thing
  13. shes in la right now? lana stay out of the sun its too hot
  14. It's gonna be good. I'm a little scared for her too but andres on it so its gonna be good...*takes deep breath*
  15. I did know it costs a lot but I didn't know it was less than a life sentence. Good to know. Is it all the trials that add up? Surely it can't be the actual process?
  16. I believe its a medical professional doing it...I could be wrong but I'm almost positive I doubt the families of the victims care if he regrets it, I also doubt it.
  17. First off, I wanna say I like your point of view and I am learning from your posts. But, it takes a lot of money to keep someone in jail. Tax payers money. The truth is, these types of human beings can not be rehabilitated to function in society the way you or I can. The bottom line is that they are too dangerous and too much liability. And in a case like this, I support the death penalty.
  18. I first thought cooler as in opposed to the darker heaver stuff? Like happier stuff? idk maybe it's shade I'm honestly not good with that stuff anyways
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