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Everything posted by kik

  1. kik

    Do you own a...

    Yes a few and they are all useless (I have greasy lids and hooded eyes) Do you own an enema bag?
  2. I'm so bad with music styles... I wish I could find a site that would explain in details, with audio examples, what is what. Music styles for dummies or something like that. That would help musically retarded people like me to better understanding why Lana is not doing jazz-inspired music. I could download old jazz albums, but I don't want to. I'm curious about music being analyzed with word.
  3. kik

    Do you own a...

    Yes, I have a Bobbi Brown (Blue Raspberry) and a few old MAC (not sure it's high end) that are starting to smell funky. - Do you own a Snuggie® ?
  4. Do you think she's trapped in the mainstream (or semimainstream)? Nothing is forcing her to keep going. Personally, I would have regretted NOT trying it, even if it happened to be a disappointment at the end. Some artists couldn't manage the stardom and decided to become more low profile. I wonder how it would be if she'd take that path.
  5. One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist. Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  6. I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation. I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip. Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they? Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  7. I 100% agree. I think we can see in this performance her extreme sensitivity and vulnerability. She's so nervous she's looking down, hanging to her microphone. Her body language speaks a lot. And that cute face she makes at the end, it's lovely. Sharon was so much in the moment, at the end she forgot where she was. That says it all.
  8. I would tell security tbh... I would be so pissed. Edit: After I calmly, but firmly explained the situation to the person
  9. Interesting because I don't know many people who like Philly and I personally think it's a pretty cool place. I've been there a dozen time and I like the contrasts between people and how trashy some of its citizen can be. I had a collection of picture I took with my cellphone, I called it "people of philly" as I found them similar to "people of walmart" lol. Like this guy wearing a huge green garbage bag on his head for whatever reason or this fat lady wearing flip flop when its snowing not to ruin her pedicure. I was there in August, smoking a cigarette out of my hotel and some random guy passed me by and yelled at me to quit smoking. A fun city!
  10. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's. She makes references to this movie in her lyrics. It's an amazing and profound movie if you don't focus on its bling-bling aspect.
  11. kik


    I heard a song from UV (don't remember which one) in a thrift store an hour ago. Told the lady they had great taste in music and she said it was part of a random playlist, in other words, she was clueless about Lana. I don't know if the album is popular here. I don't listen to local radio, I'm not in high school anymore, so I don't know what's trendy in terms of music, beside the "big" names.
  12. Oh I didn't notice the difference. Actually, I've never heard of that instrument before. The viola (/viˈoʊlə/) is a bowed string instrument. It is slightly larger than a violin in size and has a deeper sound. Since the 18th century it has been the middle voice of the violin family, between the violin (which is tuned a perfect fifth above it) and the cello (which is tuned an octave below it). I'll go to bed smarter tonight.
  13. Hold on... your parents refuse you to go to see your idol because the venue is called "cemetery"? I can't believe it... I would run away for sure lol! (I ran away from home at 17 actually). I've been raised Catholic (baptism, first communion, confirmation) but not in a strict way. I had the same idea as bnewall1, but I doubt your parents will let you go with a total stranger, even if he's mature, married and he's holding a violin on his avatar :/ Life's a bitch...
  14. Wow I wish I could be there... but because of her recent cancellations, I'm not so sure anymore... A huge LB GT, that would be so much fun!! I'm not sure why some people have a hard time getting tix... when she came to Montreal, I was in Sydney at that time, had to wake up at 3am. I was plugged on my laptop, my ipad and my iphone with two different connection and I would refresh the page like crazy and asked my friend to do the same to book me a good seat if he found one. While I was refreshing and getting average seats, on his side it was sold out.
  15. I often cancel engagements using lame excuses...
  16. That's not real nude
  17. Ok, now that I got your attention... Many celebs have posed nude. What is considered artistic or erotic nude (not pornography). Mostly supermodels and actresses. Let's just pretend Lana would accept to pose for a "respectable" erotic magazine like Playboy (bleh)... or pose nude for the prized Pirelli Calendar. I'm pretty sure she would never do that. It's not her style and I think it would be a mistake for her career blah blah blah but that's not the point... My question is: Would you opinion of her be different after that? In what way, according to your personal system of values?
  18. It's ok The line between sexy and vulgar can be very thin. I find it natural and beautiful. Like: Rumba = sexy, sensual Twerking = vulgar x 1000000, Janet Jackson nipple slip etc It's subjective, so there's nothing much to debate here. I'm curious if it's a cultural thing and how people would react seeing this behavior in public. Here it's fine. The "get a room" complains come from a very few bigots or people that are just envious Like Wilde_Child, I'm looking for that kind of relationship where we can be free to express our affection and desire without having fear of other people's judgment. I'm a very tactile person.
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