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Posts posted by JAMIEInc

  1. I'm liking the vibe of "Better Love", in fact, I'm enjoying the album from what I've heard of the studio versions ("Body Talk", "Feet Don't Fail Me Now" and "Better Love"). I'm giving the live versions a miss until the album actually drops. I've told myself this time I'm not gonna listen to any leaked tracks, no matter how tempting. The only track I will allow a listen to is "Amazing", 'cos from what I've heard of it, it's definitely my kind of song.


    It's just a shame I have to buy "Better Love" instead of having it made available as a download from the pre-order of All I Need. But, it all goes towards pushing Foxes into the spotlight a little more, so I'm not gonna begrudge her that. It's just a shame her label is doing sweet F-all to help her get the recognition she so rightfully deserves. You'd have thought after the disaster of a launch from Glorious, they'd buck their ideas up. I'm hoping we don't have three quarters of the track list released/leaked before the official release. Though I am pissed the release has been pushed back by more than 4 months! Anyone got any idea why that may be?

  2. the song titles so far make the record sound depressing af when she's not like that at all lmao


    The other song is called Photograph. 

    She has said this album is a lot more depressing than Glorious was, and there's a lot more break-up songs.

  3. I'm so behind on the Foxes hype at the moment. :defeated:  :defeated:

    Has there really been a leak on songs again? I kinda ruined Glorious for myself by getting the songs before their official release date. I don't really wanna do the same for the new album (is there an official source on it being called All I Need?)

    I adore "Body Talk", and it's been climbing the charts somewhat here in the UK, and it's been on the radio quite a lot (particularly on Viking FM). She's currently sitting at #7 on the iTunes Top 10. Not bad, but I'd like to see her climb a bit higher. It's such a massive shame that once again it seems like she's not being marketed enough. It's great that she's doing these promos and things, but I very rarely see or hear anything about her anywhere, other than the odd play on the radio.

    As for "Feet Don't Fail Me Now", my first impression is I'm not overly keen on it after first listen as I was with "Body Talk". Perhaps I just haven't listened to it properly, I was kinda over-hyped at a new Foxes song premiering on her YouTube channel, that I didn't really 'take it in', per se. As for the "Photograph" cover on Live Lounge, I'm really torn about whether or not to listen to it, because I DETEST Ed Sheeran with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, but it's Foxes! And from what you guys have said, she completely slays it.


    Is there any other information I'm lacking on in the Foxes world? Or is everything pretty much as it was?

  4. I'm currently re-obsessing myself with Utada (Hikaru).

    I pretty much have her 2006 album, Ultra Blue on repeat constantly. Mainly "This Is Love".


    But then, I love Exodus too, and have been listening to that a lot too...


    But then there's Glorious by Foxes and Heal by Loreen... I have too much I'm listening too... Sorry...  :crying:

  5. Handwritten is fine but typing them is annoying. I had to sit and write out lyrics for 11 tracks and 15 liner notes for a digital booklet and i don't want to do it again  :bored:


    That's my idea of a good time. My handwriting is like chicken scratch to be considered good. I prefer typed 'cos it looks... Oh so much neater. :twirls:

  6. They're supposed to be proof read before being printed so clearly some one isn't good at their job... Having said that writing out lyrics is annoying as fuck


    That or they were like "Fuck it! It'll do!"

    I enjoy writing lyrics out personally, but that's just me. :eek:

  7. Lyric booklets always have a terrible thing of being dreadfully inaccurate.


    "Shaking Heads" lyric:

    "Pick up the light, leave it darling"


    "Shaking Heads" booklet "lyric":

    "Pick up the light and keep it darling"


    Doesn't even sound close to what she's saying.


    Same with Ellie Goulding, and Halcyon Days for "Figure 8"

    The lyric is:
    "You promise forever and a day"


    Yet the booklet says:

    "You promise forever everyday"


    I just think the writer(s) for lyric booklets just write whatever. Lyrics are rarely written accurately in them, and I know there's one song in the lyric booklet for Glorious (I think "White Coats") that misses out the lyrics for like, half the song. It seems Glorious is no exception to this problem.

  8. I took the liberty of creating a "Glorious Instrumentals" cover, since someone was so kind to post the link to the instrumentals. Here you go:






    Glorious official single cover   :flutter:   :flutter:   :flutter:


    That cover, I have to honestly say, is pretty terrible. She could've done something a lot better that gives the song more justice than this. But, to each their own, I guess.

  9. 2po61jc.jpg


    Made scans <3

    I'm soooooo jealous!! I was hoping for a specially signed one. I'm happy enough with my signed copy, I just wish it was an even more special copy! 

  10. Yeah, I've heard some Americans are starting to receive their copies now. So perhaps some point in the next week or so? If it doesn't arrive in that timeframe, I'd definitely get onto them and ask about it.


    That being said, has anyone who's bought the signed Deluxe Version received a specially doodled copy? I didn't, unfortunately, but I know for a fact at least one has been gotten by a fan.

  11. Hey guys how long does it take for the cd to ship. I got a signed deluxe copy and it still hasn't come in.


    I ordered mine on 11th May and got it 16th May. It took a while, but the wait was worth it. Depending on where you ordered it from / where you live, it could vary?

    Here it is in all its glory:


  12. What song would you pick for the opening then?


    Personally? I think Youth should've opened, that or one of her previous singles (LGfT, or HOH). That way, people know what they're listening to, plus I think Youth is best simply 'cos it's pop-y, yet has that experimental side to it, so it sets the tone of the album pretty much spot on.

  13. To be honest, I'm with omgitsandrew on this one - Talking to Ghosts wasn't necessarily a good opening song choice. It's a good song, no doubt, but to open the album? It doesn't really represent the album well enough to get first track status.


    Although I agree that The Unknown is a fantastic ending for the album, even if it is only on the Deluxe Version.


    I've heard a lot of people comparing Foxes to Florence and the Machine, but without the theatrics. I'm no fan of FATM, and am glad that Foxes doesn't go as dramatic as FATM does in terms of reverb and screaming into the microphone.


    My only niggle in the album is "Shaking Heads". Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant song, and a personal favourite of mine. It's just the clunky transition it takes in the last bridge (when she goes from "Pick up the light, leave it darling" to "I'm going, I'm going"). The sudden rise in volume on the music is really odd, that could've been smoothed out better.


    Overall though, I'm very impressed with Glorious, the title track is phenomenal, and I hope it's the choice for next single, assuming Foxes goes for a fourth single. I just hope Foxes continues to go all-out, and that her next album isn't a disgrace in terms of leaking, and having the majority of the track list released via album samplers. Still, I can honestly say I'm a big fan now.

  14. I've ordered the signed CD, and Foxes said on Facebook she's left some random/special messages in five of the CDs. I've never wanted a vandalised item more in my life!!

  15. I've literally just joined here 'cos I wanted to thank everyone who uploaded the Foxes music/content - I'm so appreciative of you all! :kiss:

    I love the sound of Foxes, it's just a shame she's kinda reverted on herself. Whilst I agree Warrior didn't get the attention it deserved, there were so many songs she could've put on Glorious instead of rehashing the Warrior songs. Not to mention, from what I've heard (I'm not listening to all the leaked songs, as I wanna have something to listen to once it's released!), Glorious is in a completely different ball park. Warrior was very... Indie, whilst Glorious is more pop. Maybe it's just me, I dunno. But the reason Warrior was taken down from iTunes was 'cos there's gonna be little to no alteration to the songs sticked on from Warrior, which is a shame, but oh well :/


    One niggling little thing for me, and I hate to bring it up, is the "White Coats" Instrumental - is it just me, or before the big swell up (at the 3:02 mark), it kinda "cuts back" and repeats itself, for lack of a better word? It doesn't gel right, so I was wondering if anyone had an un-messed up version?

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