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Posts posted by Neptune-Avenue

  1. Dan Heath is one of the greatest legends of Lana's career. Everything he touches and makes with turns into shining, ethereal gold. The entire fucking Paradise EP, Young and Beautiful (one version at least), Old Money, National Anthem


    Not to mention 



    Life is Beautiful :creep:

    dan Heath is also an amazingly sweet man! I've spoken to him on several occasions and he is so down to earth

  2. If you have an interpretation of the lyrics, I'd love to hear it. It's the only line (with the rainbow pre-chorus from the same song) that has me scratching my head a bit. Beautiful writing, just really wanna know ideas on what it implies in context to the rest of that song, and therefore - as a closer - the rest of the album. :)

    it seems really multilayered I'm gonna have to think on it for a bit she has this way of saying just enough to leave you guessing well, I'll start by thinking about Crowley as a person and his beliefs on magic rebelling against "energies combined" kinda gives me the vibe of independence Crowley was convinced his way was the RIGHT way and relied upon a lot of multiperson rituals to im power himself seems like she's saying "enough with the patriarchy,I can be powerful all on my own" idk tho still processing It

  3. god those are stunning and fit the album aesthetic so much

    On "Get Free", she says: "Finally, gone is the burden of the Crowley way of being that comes from energies combined."

    I havnt listened to that in in depth yet. But holy shit that line is amazing there is a lot to be said for that lyric I'd love to know her full thoughts on Crowley since she had the satanic witch book

  4. I wasn't being serious. Please update your sense of humor. I mentioned twice in this thread before that I actually almost became a Pagan so please don't throw shade.

    Oh legit my bad, I'm just tired of reading all the ignorant comments on witch craft now (not just on here all over the web) I got a bit snippy totally not trying to come for you

  5. Now that i think about it, Life is Beautiful would actually fit on this album so well. It's also quite an inspirational and happy song. Kinda like Love. It would be nice to have it as a bonus track or something. It's not like we've even technically heard the song properly anyway, we've only heard like 50 seconds of it from a trailer

    as nice as that sounds I don't think we will ever get that song unless it leaks I don't think her team has control

    Over it anymore since it was for that movie.... dan Heath said he hopes it sees the light of day one day but they don't have control over that...

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