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Everything posted by YayoPapi

  1. HIAB video was shot on an iPhone after rolling a huge blunt and all the butterflies were contact high and stuck in a state of paralysis
  2. I couldn’t be happier for Lana in this era. I vote everyone sends me a Venmo, and we ship her 2 tons of Matcha. She will be more productive on these last minute releases. Also, the Greatest / FIILY makes me think of a Lana that was in the BTD era but has now become a responsible mature woman who still loves her “crazy” like omg she’s now pouring the drinks instead of mixing biker semen and gasoline for a cocktail!
  3. Does anyone else *absolutely breakdown* when lana songs, “I shouldn't have done it but I read it in your letter. You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better” Last week I accidentally texted my boyfriend a long ass text about my depression that was meant for my THERAPIST. This is not a coincidence.
  4. Ok so hear me out— my rankings tiers: First Tier: - cinnamon girl - love song - Norman fucking Rockwell - The Greatest - fuck it I love you - California Second Tier: - the next best American record - MAC - Venice bitch - happiness is a butterfly - bartender - how to disappear - HIADTFAWLMTHBIHI 99th Tier: - Clown time
  5. Yes v sad and beautiful. But also very fun and party girl lana!
  6. When Lana sings, “don’t leave, I just need a wake up call” i REALLY fuckin felt that. If you’ve ever been in a long term relationship and you start to slip up / forget what you have — a wake up call is like a saving grace. Bless Lana for singing that. Siri send post
  7. Wait til lana wakes up in 4 hours and sees this nonsense!!
  8. FIILY sounds like Lizzie Grant is back but with a more mature voice
  9. Definitely DONT search that [removed] site mod note: user was warned for this post
  10. Spare links, sis?? mod note: user was warned for this post
  11. I expect it to be about the same amount of “changes” the black beauty had from unreleased to Ultraviolence.. hopefully when I hear the new version, she only improved it!!
  12. My link to the greatest has been stolen by the FBI better go KMS
  13. I’m keeping my high hopes for TNBAR because her bridge in it literally threw the first brick at stonewall
  14. Well I’m going back on my clown shit - HMU when the universe says “it’s time” for FIILY and TG to be released
  15. I believe she’s singing about matcha as her “lime green” neon shit in her veins.
  16. I think it’s her state of mind is the “neon” + also her love for this dude she sings about. Neon doesn’t usually refer to meth unless it’s some purple shit you injecting. So I think the neon is her obsession for this guy who is like a drug to her she has to get her fix of him
  17. When the FOMO hits that you can’t listen to the greatest or fiily when you woke up in central time
  18. in Your clown car In your clown car In the backseat I’m your clown We go fast We go fast We don’t move I believe in the circus you take me Make you real proud of your clown In your clown car I’m a clown And I’m burning through you
  19. Thank god ive had Marina to get me through the first 7 months of this year — but August is LANA’S MONTH
  20. Mood when the greatest comes out friday ~ nothing ~ because I will have died happily
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