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About jc19

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  1. jc19


    Sorry or the remix of Lipgloss?
  2. jc19


    Random Q - did we ever get a leak of the Cum SOPHIE Remix (Brooke Candy) or do we just have the 128KBPS YouTube audio?
  3. jc19


    Unable to access the media fire link to the OOEPU demo album 🥲 Can someone help me out with a link?
  4. jc19


    I’m searching for the live version of Immaterial…I swear it had leaked or someone had made a good recreation of it. Anyone know anything about this?
  5. jc19

    Charli XCX

    YES! Plus the Pop City version of Paradise please
  6. jc19

    Charli XCX

    Ugh I want it 😭
  7. jc19

    Charli XCX

    Since we’re talking about unreleased tracks, did the live Roll With Me A. G. intro for the Number 1 Angel shows ever leak?? Or the live Pop City version of Paradise??
  8. jc19

    Charli XCX

    Happy I could help
  9. jc19

    Charli XCX

    The studio version was played by QT during her set of the RBMA Radio Pop City Special PC Music Takeover!
  10. jc19


    Wait do we have a high quality leak of DROP? Or just the 128kbps file?
  11. jc19

    Charli XCX

    I’m not sure…it sounds pretty identical to the pop city version at 55:20 here
  12. jc19

    Charli XCX

    This is random but just found this snippet of the Pop City version of Paradise…have we already known about this and do we have the full version? https://dbree.org/v/6095ad
  13. jc19

    Charli XCX

    Hi! First post here Does anyone have a remake of the Roll With Me AG live intro?? If not, does anyone have the lollapalooza performance that was taken down where it was played in HQ?? Thanks!
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