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Everything posted by yourboy

  1. Mellow production?! Is it different from the single version? (Not the outro)
  2. You are incredibly childish for doing this nonsense
  3. Should I have to buy a pink vinyl with the normal cover when there's already a pink vinyl with an alternate cover..? This era is jammed with various vinyl colors
  4. Literally who said that in every album cycle? WHO Um no
  5. That's true! I don't understand why this album's concept is "poverty." I just do NOT get this.. Her/his mind.. Toxic
  6. But in the song Bartender she literally buys a truck and run away from paparazzi, I don't see the "poverty as aethestics" in this specific song. Idk just my thoughts
  7. Cause much better songs are available, why bother? Lel
  8. Tbh me.. I never understood the hype around the snippet
  9. Absolutely nothing! The money is just back in their accounts and the website shows the same stuff Magnum opus btd? Oops
  10. Literally the whole bundles.. It is the randomest and ghetto shit I've seen
  11. Has anybody's order from Lana's webstore got refunded????? Two of my friends got their ordered refunded and I was wondering if there are more people who experienced it..
  12. Oop I really agree with this. I can't remember how the songs sounded on my first listen. Songs are always a grower usually for me. I think this depends on the person so who are we to judge each other's experience?
  13. Guess I'll wait for the official release! Hope her team felt something release early or something smh
  14. The interviewer (or I cant really recall who she was) confirmed that both songs were not related to NFR
  15. Where do we go from here? Now that NFR will be released soon
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