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Everything posted by WilshireBoulevard
Her most recent follows are a fan page, a musician, and those like personal life-blogger types from what I can see. I can't imagine what her feed and story feeds are like honestly.
Wrote it on the NFR post release and I'll write it again, mentioning current(ish) events in the context of how it ties into your own narrative isn't the same as being political. Even what's widely accepted as her "political songs" barely qualify. Coachella starts with the Korean border issue sure but it's not about that, it's about how it made her feel and what it made her think. GBAAATBWII again, barely political at all. WTWWAWBWJKD is arguably the most political and the main message is that things can be fixed. She's not an overtly political singer and that's fine, the general vagueness in her lyrics isn't a bad thing and I doubt she'll stray into overtly political songs (think Dylan's Hurricane) in this. But who knows.
https://www.newson6.com/story/5ed56521311afe409f0454b9/tulsa-mayor-agrees-to-not-renew-live-pd-contract-after-meeting-with-protest-organizers haven't seen anyone mention this yet so I'll stick it here. "A woodworker doesn't a good man make, if he wants his work to be on TV." Yeah I don't see her as a foaming-at-the-mouth racist or that she's aware of how or why what she's done has been perceived that way. She's definitely ignorant (as we've seen) and doesn't like to be called out on her ignorance (as we've also seen), and I can't really blame black people for not giving her the benefit of the doubt and believing her when she says she has good intentions. Hopefully the whole looter video thing will make her sit back and realise some things and how dangerous well-intentioned ignorance can be. But who knows.
There's definitely a valid point in considering why she chose to attack /Kanye/ instead of white famous Trump supporters. Yes, Kanye was in the news, yes she knows Kanye, but there's also a possible racial element and seeing Kanye as a "traitor" siding with Trump to try and get some personal points in while stepping on other people to get there. There's more complexities to it than "white person criticised black person therefore racist." There's a long history of tensions between white women and black people politically, particularly in America, and particularly involving attacking, criticising, and even sabotaging each other and each other's political movements and gains instead of focusing on the white men in charge and their white male supporters.
Ferguson happened while Obama was president. Joe Biden is one of the most uninspiring and unsuitable candidates the Dems have seen in a long time. Trump as president is awful in this situation yes, but putting energy, time, and money into getting Biden elected is like putting a band aid on a mortal wound.
Right lmao like if people want to look at who she's worked with in the past and claim it's indicative of what she believes they're going to struggle when they get to the Marilyn Manson part lol...
Okay pls no more or maybe a donation link and no more my nerves can't handle another spree
Thank you for making this thread. Edit to add: here's a link to an article listing bail funds for different states https://www.autostraddle.com/43-bail-funds-you-can-absolutely-support-right-now/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=a07abf153af3bedc2f0a88fcd7ecf32a36b36072-1591054080-0-ARWZjTvLedmC8MKkClLzCEnZNh0N-5oVVGenbm4wkiaIYzHn7eCLBSu9TF1xNZsu3CqGrArrmC2K9ZufkWv4cXjV7Sjm-kWaTPiTEMHXlh9PLRkfHw3wAylAid_Pq8-QWvff6cFuAaQ6rrac9Pcg2NIcUhK6TrvVWNC7A0TpbRbAF8jgflfnxIff25daz15JCzjqYk9c5uhyVAFc26pCRD_wYSwBzGHHvBvmGQttUWQ8P18FE6CboDEueIb64n14xCo1hKH_imTk6xkSnAH7CWO08cO61GjXLXRGibeTAa32LQ-UzwyLod1mg8W32npu6diY-LAjOCmg41R_RMBamSg protestors and even passerbys get mass-arrested during protests like these. The bail funds help get them out - especially important considering Covid
Qwhite interesting that so many people here are willing to excuse and defend Lana putting up the video in ignorance and taking an hour to delete it but condemning Tinashe and Kehlani for jumping to twitter instead of DMs in frustration at a white woman who had spent the past week or so fumbling words and telling people who were frustrated at her to "fuck off" and that they were causing a "race war".... seems fragile
There will always be people packing stadiums and selling out her albums and merch. Her career isn't over in America or anywhere else.
She had a video that was just her silently recording people looting a store and making them very identifiable. A conversation around this cycle of protests that hasn't been as amplified before is the danger of posting videos or photos online that exposed people's identities, particularly because many Ferguson protestors (who protested over the murder of Mike Brown in 2014, and the Ferguson protests were arguably the biggest seen until now maybe) were identified and have died under very suspicious circumstances (e.g. being burned in their cars, "suicide")
She deleted it. Thank god.
I do get this but if she doesn't delete it and takes the same "if u don't get it then fuck off" stance she's been taking lately then she's really going to be a guilty pleasure in terms of music and not someone I can even covertly publicly support lol.
Actions (exposing looters to millions of followers) speak louder than words (having good intentions, believing in reparations, not being racist at all) for all the sychophants wondering
Of course people are spinning people's anger and frustration at her endangering protestors' lives into "she just can't win with you! You control freaks will never be happy!" fuck off
Good that she posted things that implies she supports what's going on, is aware etc. But spoiler, people are allowed to be pissed that she posted people looting in a way that clearly allows you to see the location, their clothes, their shoes, their faces etc to her 16+ million followers. She's putting them in danger doing that. There's been so much conversation around how fucking dangerous that is for protestors. And this isn't paranoia- so, so many Ferguson protestors have been found dead under extremely suspicious circumstances. This is what we mean when we say ignorance isn't just an individual flaw. It's actively dangerous. Speak for yourself lol
Why include the vid at the end
So which is the truth lmao. Sorry but you can't make explicitly racist posts, admit they were made to provoke people, then say you didn't want people to be offended and ask people to be gentle with you. If this makes you feel unwelcome think about how unwelcome you made people of colour on here feel when you said people who want to talk about BLM should go to a black forum, you'd only stop supporting her if she turned out to be a homophobe even if she is racist, and saying she shouldn't say anything about George Floyd "just because he died and he's a poc". Everyone on here is here because they're interested in Lana in some way. Loving her and everything she does and defending her to the ends of the earth isn't a requirement to joining, nor should it be. Posting racist posts with the intention of getting people to focus on that rather than criticise Lana, then admitting it, then asking people to be gentle with you is one of the most insidious things I've seen on here.
He openly admitted to posting racist stuff to distract people from talking about Lana so forgive me if I take what he says with a few grains of salt
Yeah, you're "just curious". Live PD is a propaganda show for a start. He's been documented there racially profiling too. So no it isn't "just" because he's a cop.
Don't worry, I doubt it'll be coming Edit to add that if she comes in with a song that'll still be disappointing. Now isn't the time to be doing that. But knowing her / her managers / whoever (if anyone) advises her on social media, if she does say anything about it it'll be something self-centred like that
Halsey's biracial
He sounds unhinged lol
...having a criminal record doesn't make an extrajudicial murder of a black man by a white police officer excusable. These protests aren't just for him, either. They're for every black person who has been murdered by the police. Please get a grip on reality. Edit to add that this wasn't why he was being arrested. He was arrested because someone assumed his $20 bill was fake. Because he was black. So stop with this.