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Everything posted by AngelHeadedHipster

  1. She better add Serene Queen & Your Girl on this album. She cannot let those sirenesque songs be buried and forgotten.
  2. Too Much by Spice Girls & Shades Of Cool by Lana Del Rey
  3. Did yall see her cheap imitation of Shakira when she sang *Blue Jeans* on SNL? Like ewww what was that pathetic lame ass wannabe Shakira rendition of that dumb ass song about buying *Blue Jeans and White Shirts* Ughhhhh Such dumb lyrics. If you're planning to imitate Shakira atleast write intelligent lyrics like her. I don't see a future for her in this industry if she continues imitating Shakira. Shakira Issa legend Periodt This wannabe pouty industry pawn can never reach Shakira's level of stardom.
  4. Dan Auerbach So that Lana can give us Ultraviolence 2.0
  5. Can't Feel My Face - The Weeknd And I know she'll be the death of me At least we'll both be numb And she'll always get the best of me The worst is yet to come But at least we'll both be beautiful and stay forever young This I know, yeah, this I know Come & Get It - Selena Gomez This love will be the death of me But I know I'll die happily I'll know, I'll know, I'll know Because you love me so Yeah
  6. Lana herself revealed in her MOJO interview that she didn't get that complete satisfaction with this album and it felt unfinished. She said with her NFR album she felt super confident about it and felt like it was a properly finished record. So in Lana's own words NFR is the superior record by miles. COTCC : Cookie Dough NFR : Perfectly Baked Cookies
  7. Discovered this song through Britney and it was on the OST for 'City Of Angels* movie too. This song would be perfect match for Lana. She needs to cover this NOW!!!
  8. It’s a 3-day sale. 20% off everything. Code: 3DAYSALE on REDBUBBLE
  9. These are the 3 Designs I have uploaded on Redbubble so far. More to come. Stay tuned. Celestrippial.Redbubble.com
  10. Posted my 1st design on Redbubble yesterday under the name #Celestrippial It's a Close Up Photograph Of A Beautiful Red Rose with Velvet Texture. Perfect Gift for Valentine's Day. Do let me know what yall think Celestrippial.Redbubble.com http://pin.it/2zsij14 http://rdbl.co/3jql9BM
  11. This song is such a guilty pleasure Just imagine Lana singing this song in an alternate universe Lana could have made a video like this for her #Stargirl song
  12. Lana needs to cover this song. It's super melancholic and a perfect fit for Lana's aesthetic.
  13. Well maybe she was cut off from her inheritance for a certain amount of time due to her wild child behavior during her teenage years. Maybe she had to do odd jobs and survive on her own. Who knows? There are certain aspects of her life that she can never openly reveal even if she wants to as it would have terrible consequences on her loved ones. In order to protect her family name she can only reveal things in a vague manner.
  14. Do you really think Lana will go around blowing her trumpet saying she comes from a super wealthy family? She will never say that and she doesn't need to. It's none of anybody's business. It's an irrelevant argument that critics have thrown at her since the beginning of her career. It's not her wealth that created an artist out of her. No amount of money on earth can bestow talent upon anyone. It's God's gift really. You've either got it or you don't. Her traumas and struggles growing up in an unloved place made her devote all her life force upon the gift of music in order to cope with the unbearable loneliness and sadness she had growing up in a boarding school without the love and support of her family and friends. When she was alone and didn't have anyone to rely on, she turned inward and explored the gift of music. In those dark times she relied on God and nobody else. She has proven her worth to the world this entire decade and people are still stuck on the "But she came from *Old Money* argument". The fact that she's still in the industry itself is a miracle. Anyone else would have retreated and become a recluse after nonstop criticisms and dissection of her artistry. Lana still doesn't get the respect she deserves. She has literally changed the face of the music industry. We get an Artist like her very rarely. People need to be grateful before it's too late. She could retire tomorrow if she wanted. Lana doesn't owe the world anything yet she's sharing her gift with the world and healing countless number of souls with her Angelic voice because that's her inner calling.
  15. Remember how Paris Hilton said she suffered a lot of abuse at her boarding school. She made a documentary about it too. Rich kids are sent to these type of schools to rectify their behavioural issues. But some schools have been abusing these kids in horrifying ways upon which Paris Hilton has now started to shed light as she doesn't want anyone to undergo what she has gone through. I get the feeling even Lana has undergone the same at her boarding school. Regarding her grudge against her mother. I think she only forced her to go to the boarding school like Paris Hilton's mother. Paris Hilton was sent as she was starting to act out and was a rebellious teen. The upper class society are supposed to behave all prim and proper. Paris Hilton's family had even threatened to disown her. That is why Paris created this "dumb blonde" persona and built an empire around it, so she wouldn't ever have to depend on her family's wealth in the event they actually disowned her. This is what Lana has tried to convey about her difficult upbringing. Money is not everything. The physical and emotional traumas she must have suffered can never be healed and no amount of money in the world can bring peace to a soul that has been traumatized beyond belief. This is why Lana created her own separate world of Art in which she lives so as to escape the demons of her real life. See James Franco comment about her : Do not judge a person based on external wealth alone. Because you never know the price they had to pay to be worthy of that wealth.
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