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Posts posted by pinkchiffon

  1. I just listened all the way through and I feel... cleansed. I really needed that. The album was very immersive and almost hypnotic for me, it's like I'm still in Lana's dream world and I haven't snapped out of that headspace yet. I don't understand how people can really hear NFR and not feel emotionally moved.
    Here are just some initial thoughts: I got literal goosebumps during Love Song and Cinnamon Girl. I actually like the production on How to Disappear. I thought it was just a stripped back piano ballad when the Apple version came out and now I think the beats added something extra and exciting to it. I hated on Hope earlier in this thread, but I appreciate it a lot more now that I gave it a closer, more respectful listen. It truly is poetic and personal. I like how she's been ending albums with thought-provoking tracks like this, signaling where she currently is mentally.
    This album is a mix of everything that makes Lana so good. I do see the Lizzy Grant vibes that everyone's talking about. There's also bits of Born to Die in there with tracks like HTD. Bartender reminds me of those deep Paradise-era vocals that I love so much. Venice Bitch is an echo of the melancholy psychedelia of UV. And while she does stick to certain themes in lots of the lyrics, none of the album feels truly recycled to me. NFR very much has its own unique, cohesive sound and I can understand her vision. This is the return of the brilliance that I feared we'd lost with LFL.
    I hereby declare Norman Fucking Rockwell to be a masterpiece!


    (I do feel a tinge of guilt because 4 or 5 days ago I was telling myself I'd be strong and refuse to listen to l***s. I didn't listen to the l****d version of LFL at all. But this time we just waited too long and I had to. I'm not going to listen again until Friday so it'll still feel fresh.)

  2. People keep saying this but I can never see myself changing my mind on LFL.

    I changed my mind the other way around. I cried the first time I listened to LFL and I listened to it everyday for almost a year. I thought it was so deep and shit. Then I realized how many songs I had to skip and that it just wasn't as good as I'd thought when there was still the hype of it being new.

  3. Best lyrics: The Greatest, Mariner’s Apartment Complex, Hope


    Best production: The Greatest, Venice Bitch, Doin Time


    Best bops: Doin Time, Fuck It I Love You, Venice Bitch in a way


    Most Emotional: The Greatest, Hope


    Current rating of songs:


    The Greatest = Mariner’s = Venice Bitch = Fuck it I love you > Hope = Doin Time but I love all of them



    Venice Bitch > Fuck It I Love You > The Greatest > MAC > Hope > Doin Time

  4. Y'all hard missed my point. I don't want Lana to be "more woke" - and LFA didn't spark my criticism. Lana's been showing her ass re: shallow understanding of political reality since LFL, and it woke me up. I thought BTD was political , I thought it was a satire playing with how even a rich starlet has to face the underbelly of society , but I guess it was never that substantial.

    I don't want Lana to address nuanced issues like homeless gays or immigration bc I doubt she has much worthwhile to say about it, and that's fine! I don't want Lana to do anything really. I was sharing my perspective on what LFA and this whole era made me think ab and feel. It shows blind spots in HER perspective on issues, by centering herself and ppl like her. There was a mass shooting targeting Latinx people - race, class, etc etc, is actually a genuinely huge factor in what's going on. It's a massive part of the situation. Lana wants to exist in a fishbowl , whatever. That's my take. It's not glowing compliments from a sycophantic fan, but it's my take. I'm not freaking out about it either. 99% of my posts here are jokes, nonsense, or mild trolling. I was being hyperbolic and sarcastic to point out the hypocrisy in some of Lana's most recent lyricism and shite


    Criticism actually is an important part of art, just as much as appreciation. I appreciate Lana trying , but I think it falls shallow and flat. And you can look at her words to see obvious blindspots she has regarding issues that affect her at a "cellular level"... That's all I am saying. Believe it or not, my energy ab issues such as this gets directed towards real action outside of Lanaboards. I get on here for fun, not serious political discussion (especially since only like 5 people here can even keep up)


    I'm glad she's donating proceeds. Wonder if she's also donating to Churchome.

    As a "Latinx" person from El Paso myself, this is ridiculous. The fact that she took the time to make this beautiful song in the middle of all she's been doing this week meant a lot to me. Your profile pic represents u :flop:

  5. Guys, this is completly random, but I would just like to say thank you for making up LanaBoards. I've been lurking on and off since 2014 and after my show last month I started to become really excited about Lana again and I decided to come here more often and keep up with y'all. Not only it's nice to be in a place where I could read or write and fangirl about the singer I hold the most close to my heart with other people who somewhat feel the same, but it's been really important to me to find a distraction. I'm on summer vacation, don't have that many friends or things to do (or the will to do something more elaborate), and I'm going through some sort of heartbreak right now and trying to relearn how to go through my life without having someone in my life the way I used to have.

    There's some drama around but that keeps me entertained too. It's amazing how we have so many different views about something. You're all pretty funny and talented. Looking at some of your posts has been really comforting these past days when I'm currently feeling the most alone I ever did in years, so, yeah... Thank you   :rollin:

    This is cheesy but let me heal in peace. One post short from page 3000.

    Aww agreed, it's been a sad girl summer for me and I've been really lonely, but coming to this forum genuinely makes me laugh and smile.

  6. tbf y'all been saying she's tired of NA and then like 2 shows later she said it's one of her favourite songs to perform live

    I just had to look at an alphabetical list of her songs to figure out what NA is

    tomorrow never came's a fan favorite? since when? :what: most people think it's boring and actually hate Sean's voice. i personally love the song but most fans don't like it that much, they prefer cherry (who actually IS overrated as fuck and who aged like milk because of that) or white mustang :creep:

    I took some fat bong hits right before the first time I heard TNC and it made me ugly cry. I was surprised to find out it's so hated

  7. imagine if she drops every song from BTD from her setlist except video games......

    (*girl can sing Radio whenever she wants tho.... that song is a bop)


    a dream, lit rally a dream

    Agreed, but do you remember that one time during LATTM when fans asked her to sing Radio and she seemed so pissed? That time when she was in her red sweater, ponytail and boots. She forgot the words and basically gave off the impression she hates the song now :/ Made me sad because I still love it

    Heroin would like to have a word with you

    Now THAT'S a song I wish she would perform live

  8. This is why I’m leaning on not going to see her this tour. Is it possible she’d make a big change like that? Maybe it’s the right time, but I swear she won’t let those BTD songs go. I don’t want to hear BJ/BTD live for the 478013638th time.


    Edit: and SS. I’m so tired of hearing that song in person.

    As someone who's never been lucky enough to see Lana live even once, it's weird for me to hear someone say they're tired of hearing a song of hers in person...


    I can kind of understand though? I watch all the videos of her tours and I do wish she'd change the setlist up a bit. I could do without Blue Jeans and Off to the Races (sorry). But Video Games should always be there

  9. Doin' Time definitely seems misplaced and awkward, but otherwise, I'm pretty pleased with everything! HIADT makes more sense to me now. I still would've loved Venice Bitch as a closer, but I understand why she put it where she did. Most excited for Cinnamon Girl! We're really going to have it in just a few weeks!!!!!



    Ok I love the How To Disappear production now.. it's kinda refreshing because most of the other songs on the album are very piano heavy so having one with different production is nice tbh 

    Agreed! I thought it was a boring song when we heard the Apple version but now I like it!

  10. My immediate gut reaction to the standard cover was "Ugh." I thought it looked like a cheesy fan edit and that the guy was photoshopped into it. But it's growing on me the more I keep seeing it. I'm gonna order the Target exclusive because I can't quite afford one of the vinyls.


    At first the tracklist annoyed me because we've already heard a lot of it, but the trailer made me forget how bitter and pissed off I've been at her. She's serving the retro aesthetics we all love again! I got emotional during the Venice Bitch part, I forgot how beautiful the song really is. It definitely deserves inclusion on the album despite being almost 1 year old.


    I'm truly excited again!! I think once the album is released, it'll be a masterpiece and we're going to understand why it was kept so strictly under wraps. I won't be mad if we don't get new singles next week. I'd be happy to just wait until August 30 and it'll be more of a surprise!

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