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Posts posted by allseeing

  1. As with the Israel show, Lana might want to reconsider. The UAE and Abu Dhabi specifically have a really bad human rights record and homosexual acts are illegal.Somebody tell her registered Republican Fox News-appearing Okie TV cop boyfriend she's performing someplace that practices sharia law. :troll:Whether she drops the concert or he drops her it's a win in my book. While the UAE has a bad record of funding terrorism, incidents of terrorism occurring in Abu Dhabi are actually really rare. This can only be interpreted as a racist statement.

    Well on that, you can say that too to the previous artists who performed in the same event like Beyonce, Aeorosmith, Kanye West, Kylie Minogue, Pharrel Williams, Pitbull, Lionel Richie, RIHANNA, and well Pink. How’s that??

  2. Does anyone noticed, that Ride started with sounds of ocean waves something like that. And then in Get Free, she's referencing Ride in someparts. She ended ended the song very sonically with sound of ocean waves and doves etc. QUEEN OF COHESIVENESS

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