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Posts posted by rumandritalin

  1. HBTB > MTWBT  = TLY  = HM


    I feel like MTWBT TLY and HM are all pretty successful at being pretty sounding vignettes that are easy to listen to and overall equivalent. It's very May Jailer meets Paradise Lana. MTWBT was clearly produced and written to stand out but I think they are all pretty equivalent with TLY having that bridge and HM is just as beautiful if only for there's just not a lot going on there for a good while. And the whole pico boulevard line is a travesty.


    HBTB is also that too, but it's also got some of the witty/funny/bratty which I used to consider to be one of her constants. It passes the fun test barely because of easy writing that is a little unmemorable if easy to remember, but as always the one true constant, it's all a cohesive collected piece that works great thanks to visionary production and delivery. Still a bitter truth that HBTB got tired on repeat real quick as opposed to UV or WC which are like pretty immune to repeat fatigue. I've been bad about having mostly the first half of UV playing in my car for months on end. 


    Despite that honest critique I love the singles and I feel like Honeymoon is gonna flow like butter. Down, Up, Up, Down. I'm chill with a dark, pretty sounding easy listen. 



    Also, maybe FMWTTT was intentioned for Lorde as is "Fuck you and your views on feminism, I'm writing a song about sleeping my way to success, just because I CAN! And that's feminism, biotch." 


    This interpretation is perfect.




    Agreed. It's perfect. 




    14. Florida Kilos

    no.not on this album Lana. its kinda cute. but no.



    I like Florida Kilos. It gives me a warm feeling that the OG Lizzy G voice made it into a major release. 

  3. Did you miss the entire part where Lorde said she listened to a lot of rap and rock music growing up. Kanye and her are friends now, she even covers his song Hold My Liquor at her concerts. The beats are inspired by him and other rap artists she loves.


    I didn't. I'm just saying. If she's saying it's someone who criticized her and copied her style the pool of options is hardly very long. Anyways, I made my case for why I think it's Lorde, I could very well be wrong, what someone else said about being someone nobody knows about seems equally plausible. 

  4. She also mentioned rivieras in Without You. And if you actually listen to exactly what Lorde said then you'd know she said he can't identify with opulence (coming from New Zealand). And it would make Lana look so fucking dumb to call a teenager a slut for no reason so openly.



    PS - Lana and Lorde are not alike in the slightest, Lorde sings about being an outcast and Lana sings about drugs and sex.


    'Wake up.' :toofunny:



    "The song is about another singer" - Lana


    So unless it's Lady Gaga... 


    Lorde and Lana have different sounds but there's a little of Lana in Lorde's album. The trip hop aspect, the writing style, I don't know how to describe it but I feel it there. She said herself she was one of the artists she had been listening to.


    As far as why Lana would do it? Idk. So Legit was fairly petty, even if I like it a lot, it's a venting song, it was an inside look into her mind and that look shows she is the type of person to write a revenge song. She might have grown a little out of that but she did favorite that tweet that had the spikey bracelet meant for Lorde, and her dad had that post about pure heroine. There's clearly something there.



    I still don't know what did Lorde say about Lana... Is it when she mentioned Lana sings about hollow things (Hamptons, Bugatti Veyron, etc)?



    Lorde said something about it being a dangerous anti-feminist message because it promoted dependence or something around those lines. It had to do with feminism. 

    "Lorde is a teenager who is all dark and agonized by her homework and new school shoes and stuff."



    I'm loling

  5. It's not a Lorde diss.


    1. Why would she diss someone who was 15 when they created the song?

    2. Why would she make a diss track about sex?

    3. Why would she diss her at all?



    Let's see... For criticizing her style and then appropriating it? Because Lana herself said the song was about a singer who dissed her then copied her style? Because New Zealand just so happens to have a major marine riviera? I wonder if there's a connection there at all. And she has curly hair. Boo, wake up. 

  6. I did like florida kilos. I expected better from cruel world though I have only heard it twice. I was looking for where she goes "It's a cruel cruel world" as she sang live before Cola. I was waiting for it to be more scathing towards her naysayers. Same with FMWUTTT, if you're gonna diss lorde, pull a So Legit, maybe minus the name drop. Sad girl is a highlight in my opinion. I love west coast but I can't help but think of it as the obvious "We need a song that will play on the radio" after having heard the rest of it. 

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