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Everything posted by BettySpaghetti

  1. Yeah, I think the same tbh
  2. lana needs to make an electropop album
  3. BettySpaghetti

    KIll J

    https://itunes.apple.com/dk/album/hjerteslag/id914088178?i=914088272 i really want that funky city ep and the song of her on this album
  4. Could someone make a list of the songs that will be included on he album?
  5. lana: *says she will release the album in september* fans: *talking about she will probably release it five months later* lana:
  6. twigs at 2:17 in this music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiXCpP-B7bU not sure if already posted
  7. i dont know if this was
  8. that screenshot was posted pages back
  9. i have no idea but the other one is shorter and i think it's just cut off but i'm not sure i really want the old demos of twigs, i saw a screenshot that she had an account somewhere but everything was deleted
  10. there are two version of walk til youre dead and there is a scrobbled song called electric affection with robert logan
  11. Could someone send me a download link for britney unreleased cuz i cant find a good one and all the links that i found were really messy and missing songs
  12. what is this??? http://www.lastfm.com.br/music/Robert+Logan/_/Electric+Affection+-+with+FKA+Twigs+(Unreleased)
  13. pin up galore, you're gonna love me, your band is all the rage, you mister and yayo live at the cutting room version
  14. Could you send me both versions please?
  15. BettySpaghetti

    Charli XCX

    Could someone send me a list of all her unreleased and demos etc?
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