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Posts posted by lizyyygrant

  1. 2 hours ago, KeybladeMeister said:

    Yeah her press release from Atlantic says:

    Filmed in Mexico and co-directed by my new favorite director: Hannah Lux Davis, the ‘Good Ones’ video sees me dramatically mourning the untimely loss of my partner as I battle with the realisation that once again I’ve abandoned the goodness in my life, in favour of the sinister, with a visual aesthetic that marks a new era of me: Charli XCX.”

    I’m still confused. Then why did pose with and post a tombstone with her name on it? 

  2. 16 minutes ago, brandon said:

    i don’t think anyone in particular, just a random depiction of an ex lover 


    mans is just a random white twink she found 

    Literally thought it represented “the death of twinks” for a minute 

  3. Just now, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Exactly. Even Billie doesn’t have that pressure to release the « generation’s manifesto ». Although, for Billie, the stakes will be just as high as Lorde’s with her next album. 

    Yeah but Billie last album was actually interesting. and that’s the thing. she didn’t have to recreate another “wwfawdwg”. the album wasn’t “fantastic” like melodrama, but it was great. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, House of Balloons said:

    The album isn't THAT bad, it did exactly what it's supposed to do, Lorde understood the assignment perfectly and delivered. It wouldn't get as much backlash if it was released by any other hit or miss artist who wasn't constantly held to high expectations, but since it's Lorde's album and Lorde 'the future of music' can do no wrong then it's an irredeemable dumpster fire.

    Ok but did I say it was “that bad”? I just said it was boring. and she only half understood the assignment. and it’s barely getting backlash, it’s just getting “meh” reviews. Even if this was released by another artist, it would be just “ok”. 

  5. Just now, House of Balloons said:

    she set the bar too high, her fall from grace was inevitable 

    eh...nah. this albums just boring. I hate to see the comments like “oh of course she’ll never live up to melodrama” like...no? I just expected a cool and interesting album. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Charlottexseax said:


    this is kind of /off topic/ but you should listen to fiona apple if you're interested in top notch female lyricism

    i can’t get into Fiona sadly. I like her lyricism and her music isn’t bad but...I just can’t 

  7. On 5/24/2021 at 9:36 AM, Nightmare said:

    she’s not a rip off. give her a try without prejudice. she’s a 18 yr girl making cute music, it’s not that deep! and not every young girl who makes slightly sad songs is ripping off lana, billie or lorde. stop with these comparisons, they make no sense 

    .....but she does sound like Billie on a good amount of her songs. I’ve seen people literally say the thought traitor was by Billie as soon as they heard it. The comparisons do make complete sense. also for Lorde as well. 


    i would’nt be as harsh and say she’s a “ripoff” but she has no distinctive musical identity yet. and it doesn’t even have to be that big or be that different, just something that has a tinge of her own flavor. she wears her influences too much on her sleeves. we’re not at all at a stage where people can hear a song and say “hey, that sounds like an Olivia Rodrigo song”. her voice has no distinction. her songwriting has no distinction. and neither does her sound. and before you do, I really don’t want to hear the “she’s 18 years old” argument again. I’ve seen it too many times. This is me, a 19 year old saying this. 


    like dua lipa doesn’t at all come to mind when I think of “different” but hell even her voice is easily recognizable (and yes I know she’s 26 or smth but her voice being that way literally has nothing to do with age). 


    people were hooked on drivers license bcus it sounded like Lorde, and you couldn’t go to a single place where people didn’t point out that connection. 


    nevertheless, I’m sorta excited to see what the next album will be like. I know it will probably be 10 times better. I remember someone saying all the song on sour sound like lesser version of better songs and...yeah. that doesn’t mean the album isn’t decent, but that comment was accurate. 

  8. 2 hours ago, blackestday89 said:


    I love it. 

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    If you love honeymoon you will love it. It doesn't have the same production, but it's very similar in a different way. It's magical, enchanted, like in a fairy tale, Wanderlust and Yosemite are sure to inspire you. There are 2-3 songs that I don't like, but other than that, it's really a magical album.  But yesterday I wasn't that convinced either, it takes one or two days to work.



    AAAH I’m hyped. Oh my god. I already love the title track to pieces, and it makes me emotional whenever I listen to it. Phew.


  9. I decided to stop searching for the leak cuz it’s basically two days away, and even if I downloaded it, I wouldn’t get to experience the smooth transitions. 

    that being said, for someone who likes emo folky stuff, and someone who really likes honeymoon with ultraviolence following behind, how do you think I would find it? I see everyone leaving great responses. and I know most people are excited when they first listen to a new album by their favorite artist, I feel like this is...different somehow.

  10. TIL Huck works in music 



    lmao I literally had no clue what he did before reading his thread about Sophie. I was a little shook (even though I shouldn’t be surprised but I thought he had like a profession outside of that field)

  11. 40 minutes ago, electra said:

    love that charli shared the star petition. if we can make this make enough noise it would be amazing if they could do that. a very suiting memorial for a true star <3

    In case anyone doesn’t know what this is talking about 








  12. Wow. And I even understand exactly what Charli’s talking about when she said her post doesnt encapsulate all that she feels. I just knew this was hard to even write, and I feel like she just wanted to quickly write it and get it out the way cuz it’s too painful to FULLY reminisce about the memories she had and the things she felt for her.


    Im sure with the kind of person Sophie was, that she knows Charli meant a lot to her. I don’t think she needs to worry about not getting to tell her that. 


    16 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    she’s so well spoken & I fully understand what she means regarding the little moments feeling incredibly substantial... keep your loved ones close everyone, and remind your friends & family how much you love them. we never know when our time is up... I love this forum so much and I’m forever grateful for all the laughter I’ve shared with you all, and thankful I have like-minded souls to grieve with during this horrible tragedy. :( ♥️

    Oh my god don’t make me cryyyyyyyyyy :crai:


  13. 1 hour ago, Nobody said:

    Details on what happened:


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    A senior police official confirmed to MailOnline the artist fell from the rooftop of a three-story building in central Athens while trying to take a picture of the full moon. 

    'The exact conditions of the fall are being investigated by police in central Athens,' a senior official said. 'The investigation is ongoing.' 

    Sophie's girlfriend Evita Manji told MailOnline she managed to speak with the artist after she fell into an open space in the rear of the apartment bloc.   

    'I managed to tell her I love her and to tell her to keep fighting,' she said. 'She was my life. We were supposed to get married.' 

    She said the police and fire brigade took around 90 minutes to 'get her out'.

    The building, nestled in the district of Plateia Karaiskaki in central Athens, was cordoned off special investigators on Sunday, scouring the roof terrace for clues.  


    I came over to this thread to talk about how her gf’s post made me want to cry a whole ass ocean, and me seeing that she talked to her before she died and “we were supposed to get married”.....fuck everything. fuck it all. I’m not even joking. 

    Sophie deserves a whole ass festival in honor of her. She deserves that. 

  14. I can’t even capture how girl must be feeling right now. It must hit so hard, especially during quarantine. I wouldn’t blame her if it took months to even mention this (and no I don’t think there should be a time limit at all I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised). 


    I came across Sophie’s gf’s post. God every word made me want to cry. From saying being with her was “the best dream” and how she’ll get to see the cosmos and that she now is an “immaterial girl”. I can’t imagine losing a partner like that. I hope she takes some time for herself as well. 

    I feel bad for all her friends and loved ones. Sophie definitely is the last person to even deserve death, and it must be devastating for them right now. 

    I wish there was some sort of festival to honor her name. Fuck, the fact nobody can decide to celebrate her life right now like that grips at me so hard

  15. 5 hours ago, CHIPCHROME said:

    I really hope she’s alright. I was watching some Exchange videos last night and you can just tell how much SOPHIE meant to her by the way she would look up in awe at her while she spoke. She deserves such big hugs rn

    Word. I remember I saw a picture of her standing next to her on the stage and she looked like a child who got to meet their favorite Disney character at Disney World with the way she was staring up at her lol. Bless them both. 

  16. Just now, KuntExpress said:

    Dude please can you chill out - she died a few hours ago be a bit more considerate 

    Nah I’m not having it with you excusing her ex’s actions that’s just some tomfoolery that’s not needed 

  17. 23 minutes ago, KuntExpress said:

    Dude she was probs just deflecting and being hurt over the way they broke up - yeah she was horrible but to call someone performative while they're greaving someone they actually knew vs. us being fans is a bit out of line 

    Ah yes....being hurt over a breakup so you continually attack and be transphobic to the person you once loved. Why are y’all trying to excuse her behavior as if her behavior wasn’t borderline malicious???? I don’t have to know a person to know that what she did was absolute bullshit and to now care about her when it’s too late is depressing as fuck. And no I’m not depressed for her ex, I’m depressed for Sophie who had to deal with those attacks while she was alive.

    Just now, KuntExpress said:

    Jesus - Sophie has literally just died and you're trying to go off on her Ex for grieving? Do you think Sophie wants this? wtf 

    An ex that constantly attacked while alive???  I don’t give a fuck that she’s grieving but y’all trying to justify and excuse her as some actions that came from “heartbreak” instead of calling out the malicious nature of them is pure bullshit 

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