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Everything posted by maxthehitman

  1. I like this poem Flowers give their scent so freely to anyone who wishes to smell them, never asking for anything in return. A pure gift. The purest sense of love ever given, never asking for anything in return. When was the last time you gave something, never asking for anything in return ? Flowers. Smell them often.
  2. I like this poem It could be about anyone in her life, or anyone she ever met. I do not see the word "Sean" written on it. It could even be about YOU or me.
  3. I liked this poem Simple, yet to the point. No gimmicks, no added sugar or additives, no preservatives, no emulsifiers. Pure H2O.
  4. I liked this poem I also think of traffic lights as romantic. A person has to always look at things in their surroundings at a "diferent angle". An artist usually see things very diferently than most people. Blurred vision creates a bokeh of lights and sometimes a colorful painting...
  5. I liked this poem Reminds me of how Jim Morrison wrote his poetry. Sort of like a "Haiku" , a Japanese style of poetry. Just a few word lines describe a feeling or a scene.
  6. I liked this poem I believe in this line she is talking about the airline jet-engine contrails which we often see when a jet aircraft is flying above our heads a few miles up in the sky. Some people have been calling them "chemtrails" but in fact , its really called contrails. Here is a little scientific explanation... It is not just the jet-engines that leave these vapour contrail lines in the sky, even old propeller engines did the same. In this World War 2 film you can see the same thing in B-17 bombers....
  7. lol I can just imagine... 10,000 years from now someone will dig it up and discover a lost hoard of Lana Del Rey treasures and think she was a " Queen of the 21st Century " !
  8. Rant? What rant? Its all good Trench. I like to hear people´s opinions and suggestions. If we were all one-side-thinkers we would all be living in a Fascist state. We dont want that. Moving to Ireland is not a bad idea. I have a cousin living in Dublin for over 15 years. Sometimes drinks beer with the guys from U2. Cool guys. I have to go there to visit them one of these days when the Pandemic quiets down.
  9. I am a big Fiona Apple fan too some ... news https://consequenceofsound.net/2020/04/fiona-apple-fetch-the-bolt-cutters-really-soon/
  10. Thank you so much for that song "Tired of Singing the blues" - Its just soooo nice! Lana sings her heart out. Great song. I believe I will re-master the sound on this unreleased demo track next.
  11. That last song posted (ACDC) got me in a Rock mood ! i is for... " I Am Mine " - Pearl Jam
  12. " Ziggy Stardust " - David Bowie (live 1972)
  13. R is for... " Radar " - Britney "babelicious" Spears
  14. I am afraid to say, the USA is doomed to put up with Trump for the next 4 years. If you are thinking of moving, Portugal is a wonderful place. Sorry - No Trumps here, only sunshine, great beaches, great mountains, castles and palaces, best wines and food. So far we have Sir Cliff Richards living here, also Madonna, Michael Fassbender, Bonnie Tyler, Monica Bellucci, designer Christian Louboutin, and John Malkovich all live in Portugal. Scarlett Johansson, spends alot of time in her Lisbon apartment and you might get to meet Max too https://www.idealista.pt/en/news/lifestyle-portugal/2018/10/16/186-famous-people-who-live-or-have-house-portugal-2018 https://travelguidelisbon.com/celebrities-living-in-lisbon-and-southern-portugal/
  15. " L-O-V-E " - Nat King Cole (what a cool crooner )
  16. " B-Day Song " - Madonna featuring M.I.A. You guys and gals are posting some incredible music songs. I am taking notes and making myself a cool playlist for my jukebox Thanks !
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