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Posts posted by Barttender

  1. Not to sound dramatic, but this last year, there hasn't been a day when a new lana photo has come out, when I haven't seen someone trashing her appearance. Ofc we can talk about her, but as a woman I feel truly disgusted to have to see mostly men, calling her "fat" (for ex), when she is clearly thin, normal, even tonified... "old" when she is 34, i mean she is literally young? of course surgery changes your appearance, yeah her face is not exactly the same, or maybe she looks a "little less perfect than she was" (i don't really know how to word this in the most respectful way), but anyways, I can't really understand why people is so obsessed with her looks, even her own fans. She's not gonna look 25 again, get over it. I'm sick of seeing people on twitter attacking her every time a new picture comes out, last week there were people literally making viral tweets where everyone laughed at her face and her appearance or how bad she aged, twitter is a mess, they constantly judge her weight, age and every little thing, and no, I'm not overreacting, maybe a man will never understand the pressure we women are under the standards of beauty, if lana gets criticized every day for her appearance, what will they do with any girl who is not famous, rich or perfect? Not to mention the "fans" who make fun of her every day, of course we can make jokes, but honestly if I had to see how the people who supposedly support me make fun of me and my appearance constantly..... To talk about a look, a hair color or anything else in a respectful way is acceptable, to be a grown man sitting behind a mobile screen criticizing a woman's appearance, no. it's just misogynist, and yes, there are women who drag her too, but 8 out of 10 people I see criticizing her are men, acting like they have some right to make harmful comments about a woman's body or face on a daily basis. I think it's time to stop, honestly. Sorry if I wrote too much, just my thoughts.

    I totally agree with you!


    It's past time for us men to educate ourselves. We live in a clearly misogynistic society. We don't have to be another asshole in the world perpetuating this.

    Each woman is unique and free to do what she wants, if and when she wants. Women don't have to fit the standards of beauty imposed by anyone.


    When I look at Lana, I see a very beautiful, sexy and attractive woman. Perfect and unique exactly as she is! :)

    And that goes far beyond physical appearance...

  2. Sean's show was cancelled! LOLOLOL :clap: If that entire relationship mess could fade into distant memory, that would be great, as dating him was Exhibit A of her being pretty clueless about racism even if not intentionally racist herself (as I do agree she has a good heart). I don't think you can live in the U.S. and not be aware of the ongoing problem with police racism and brutality even before George Floyd. The more she can distance herself from Sean, the better honestly.


    They canceled the participation of the Tulsa officers in the program. The guy still remains as a presenter. His job as a presenter is independent of the police department.

    The TV show signs contracts with various police departments, in different cities and States, to show police from those departments in action.

    It is this contract that will be revoked.


    This had happened before:



  3. Maybe, but doesn't he work for the Tulsa police? So how would the show still happen?

    His job as a presenter is independent of the police department. When they invited him to present the program, the police department there had already canceled the contract some time ago. They had returned to the program last year.


    The program signs contracts with various police departments, in different cities and States, to show police from those departments in action.

  4. Idk if this has been mentioned and it's only semi on-topic, but Seany's show has been cancelled: https://twitter.com/LivePD_LEOs/status/1267560807321292812


    I really hope this doesn't have any implications in terms of ... because his job description has changed and he's not on TV anymore, that she'd take him back because it'd be less pressure on their relationship now that he (presumably) won't be in the public eye or whatever. I'm very much not wanting that to happen, so excuse the reach.

    They canceled the participation of the Tulsa officers in the program. The guy still remains as a presenter. And the program was renewed, weeks ago, for another 300 episodes (Edit: 160 episodes), if I'm not mistaken.

  5. So... It looks like they were trying to get a # on Twitter saying she died. They also posted something on Instagram.

    Some people have not missed the opportunity and have already gone to her Instagram to write "rip"... Apparently, it is just another demonstration of hatred and negativity.

  6. Lmao that article is probably written by a stan. Her post was problematic, she should have thought twice about how to adress her frustrations.

    Just showing that there are different points of view on the subject.

    Not all people who understood what Lana meant, although she did not express herself in a clear and even controversial way, are "fans". This argument is not valid.

    But this has already been widely discussed here...

  7. It's real duplicitous bc rioters make the movement look real bad and prompt more police/corps action, while taking attention away from those peacefully protesting, but at the same time, it does bring faster media attention, widespread awareness. Not gonna condone violence, ever and personally do believe that peaceful protests are the way to go. 


    I get that the system needs a LOT of reform, but damaging it thru setting things on fire, hurting the mom n pops and even bringing innocent people, especially those who're trying to help, safely, just doesn't represent the message and the movement that others are trying so hard to get others into in a mature way, a more welcoming way. 


    How are others supposed to dive in when the fear is valid, on top of covid 19 around it, just doesn't do much long range. The reparation funds are gonna go back to the business and the system first. which is ironic, bc we're trying to get funding back to the PEOPLE. the damage deters that further. 


    it divides people because the people rampaging are rationalizing their actions and I get the rage, I do, but long range, it just fucks things up for everyone in the long run. it doesn't give peace a chance. and mocks those who truly believe in it, and the solidarity that those are doing their best already into giving them a fair say bc of their actions. 


    On the other side of the coin perspective regarding Lana posting, varying degrees of intent and its direction, she could've just been posting for awareness of the reality of this part of the current events bc it happening. Clearly she cares of how her audience reacts, and decided to take it down. I do appreciate that she took it down to save the people in the video. There's a skepticism that's been rapidly just coming upfront bc of how fast social media operates, at the speed of clicks n buttons, but combine that w the lack of patience, and willingness to see the other side 'cept their own, potentially drags us into not thinking for ourselves, and blurs what acceptance is regarding our fellow human brothers and sisters. How do we frontier that if the methods don't aim to really connect? Emotions are a powerful driving force, but in my opinion, it shouldn't blind. I do think it should be taken into consideration for the sake of connecting values, but when the chemicals run out, be mindful of where that can take us. 


    We have to repetitively ask ourselves. Are we thinking for ourselves and the collective good in a worthwhile way? Are we playing into someone else's hand? We've a constant responsibility to renew our minds in a way that represent each and every one of us into consideration. bc if we don't. Those w more funding are just gonna watch us fight while nothing gets done.


    Yes... I understand what you mean.

    There are many protests in my country and the protesters themselves actively condemn looting and depredation, because they believe that these acts invalidate the cause of the movement.

  8. Yeah, I didn’t connect the dots between the looting video and George on her stories either. I had it on low volume when I watched her story and didn’t catch everything but like... if she really thinks stealing things is a problem bigger than protesters getting seriously hurt and POC getting treated unfairly every day... I... I don’t even know anymore, Lana. I guess I’m going back to being disappointed.

    I don't know... I have seen this same video being posted by several people since they started reporting what happened to Floyd.

  9. Just help me understand what's happening now...


    The video that people asked her to delete has already been deleted. The photos of her stories do not explicitly show anyone's face and the video that remains in her IG is that of the man who is posing for photographers on top of the car (I believe she posted it because of the poster message he is holding). Her posts are similar to the ones I've seen on other celebrities' Instagram and on TV.


    Is something still wrong?


    Because, if there is not, now, it's purely "hate for hate" what continues to happen in her comments section.

  10. She posted the video, people asked her to delete it, she deleted it.

    Now, people who haven't seen the post, but read the previous comments or saw it on Twitter, are filling her Instagram with comments asking her to delete what has already been deleted... I- :facepalm:

  11. She lost followers that's for sure.


    Since the first "controversial" post so far, she has gained nearly 200.000 followers on Instagram.

    It went from 16.3M to 16.5M... Curiously, she won more than she lost.

  12. Genuine question from my fiancée...


    If she hadn't posted anything in the past few days, if she had been completely absent from her social media all month... Would people charge her so much to publish something now? Or are these people just there to confront her because of her previous posts?


    Some fans would certainly do it. But we realized that many people who are charging her statement on Instagram don't even follow her.

  13. Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



    Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

    Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


    Man... You're definitely not helping.

    I think you need to rethink your values.

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