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Posts posted by ScrapOfSassafras

  1. AG and Charli still the best producer/artist pairing even tho I'm still mad at him for the unnecessary noises in forever, and I usually love a good noise chile



  2. This is probs an unpopular opinion but I don't like the ASIB soundtrack. 


    the only good thing about it is her vocal performances which are incredible but to me the lyrics on most of the songs are very ed sheeran surface level and don't really have a lot of weight to them.

  3. Really not a fan of the distortion in forever, like it usually makes sense in her songs, it just feels so unnecessary. I like the song at its core tho.


    lets hope the gaga stans on twitter don't get a hold of it nn 

  4. It would do unimaginable damage to Gaga's reputation. There's a good reason why it never was/has been released or leaked. It was filmed by a pervert and featuring one aswell. Glad she saw sense and realised what a terrible mistake she made. The leaked clips make me cringe so hard I almost died. Especially when he started touching her when she was put to sleep...like wtf...



    From what we've seen of the video, it's a perfect example of how Ga sometimes doesn't know how to execute her ideas properly, she probably has some intricate and meaningful explanation behind the visuals but it just doesn't come through in the final product, making it seem tasteless. it's kinda like "Dope" as well (a song I love btw) when the song is explained it makes sense and makes It better, and while the verses have some of her best lyrics, the "I need you more than Dope" line kinda damages the songs emotional blow. It's like we get what she's trying to say but sometimes it just doesn't come through in the best way

  5. I can’t believe there are people trying to call me out about wanting better for Kim? Why are there some people insisting on defending dr luke I don’t get it. Regardless of whether he was found guilty or not is irrelevant because all it takes is a quick search to see how many artists have called him out for being a horrible person


    I love Kim and her music and all I was saying is that she doesn’t need him to make more great music. I actually can’t believe there are people trying to defend the Harvey Weinstein of the music industry.

  6. Denounce him for what, exactly?

    For being an abuser and I don’t want to hear “he wasn’t found guilty” there is overwhelming evidence that he has been emotionally and physically abusive to his artists Kesha is not the only one to come out about this

  7. I know we should be leaving XCX World in the last decade but does anyone have the snippet of the 2018 version of Come To My Party? I've seen you guys talk about it before but I've never heard it

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