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Posts posted by tutnecke

  1. One of the things that strikes me about our singer is her image.Del Rey managed to evolve through the years. in 2012, on her first album ,BNT, Lana looked like a lost girl looking for safety in abusive relationships.

    In 2019, on her album NFR, Lana is mature and firm as a woman, she has questions about politics and culture but also about her maternal side seen on ´´how to disappear´´... The new album has a lot to offer us !!!



  2. Well to understand Lana’s impact we first need to understand where Lana’s inspiration comes from.


    So where does Lana’s inspiration come from? Her biggest influences are Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Nicks, Crosby, Stills and Nash, Neil Young. Laurel Canyon has had a huge influence on her art. We can’t forget about the influence Lou Reed has had on Lana. Even David Lynch’s art has had a major influence on her art.


    So Lana has a Rock and a Roll heart but a folk music soul. You can trace her musical roots all the way back to Woody Guthrie.


    So fast forward to 2011-2012 when Lana started shaking things up. At that time pop music was happy, fun and upbeat. But could people really relate to that? No. The music industry establishment itself was out of touch with the audience. Lana came in with songs people related to on a very deep level. She brought substance. The music critics were at first very unfair to her. She did not fit into the mold of a neatly processed pop star. She was not an industry plant like so many other people at the time. Lana was real. She received online hate because she was authentic, a woman and beautiful. But as time went by Lana secured a loyal fan base really fast. On top of that she was making money and money is what makes the music industry go round. And take my word for this; I come from a music industry family. My father is a Grammy nominated engineer, so I know what goes on. So the critics may have been unfair to Lana, but she secured and audience and was making money on one of the top record labels (Interscope).


    As for the indie genre, Lana’s impact has been huge. Without Lana you would not have Lorde or Billie Eilish. Lana paved the way for them so that they can be successful and win Grammys even though NARAS is yet to give Lana a much deserved Grammy.


    But Lana has done something very few musicians do; she has created a new genre of music; Hollywood Sadcore.


    Only recently people have finally started to recognize Lana’s impact and how she was the most influential songwriter of the 2010s. Taylor Swift said it best when she said that Lana is her favorite contemporary songwriter. You can even see Lana’s influence on Taylor Swift.


    When the history books are written, they will be very kind to Lana. 20 years from now the history books will look back at 2012 and say that Lana changed the industry. All the criticism from that time will be silenced. Let’s remember that many of Lana’s musical heros were not fully embraced at first. Bob Dylan wasn’t fully embraced at first. Now he is a Nobel prize winner. Bruce Springsteen who praised Lana last week had to deal with similar criticism from music critics.


    Let us be absolutely clear; Lana Del Rey is the greatest musical storyteller of her generation. As a songwriter she is every bit as good as Bob Dylan. And she is the best of her generation because she learns from the best; Dylan, Springsteen, Cohen, Michell, CSN.


    So to this new generation; Lana is the one who inspired them. Lana is to this generation what Bob Dylan is to the baby boomers.


    So what did Lana do? She did what she wanted to do. Never do something just because other people do it. Never follow the crowd. Make up your own mind and then do it. This is what Lana did.


    In The Departed, Jack Nicholson’s character says “I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me”. This is what Lana has done for the music industry.


    Lana will get the recognition she deserves. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but she will get proper recognition. She is a future member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. And speaking of Rock and Roll, Lana is the one who will save that genre. She has already created her own musical genre and she is going to save another one. A revival of folk-rock is already going on thanks to Lana.


    I can literally go on all day discussing Lana’s impact and where things are going. I have studied music extensively so I just love these kinds of discussions!

    omfg !! thanks for this !! so deep...

  3. hi guys! I was thinking about the importance that lana has for the music industry, we know that the indie genre would not be the same without her !!

    singers like lorde and billie gained space in music thanks to the path opened by lana.... anyway, for you what are the biggest influences that our lizzy has impacted on current music ??



  4. i agree that she doesn't care like she did before. she has no reason to, she already has her foot in the door, she doesn't need to go out of her way to make that glamorous 1940s aristocrat impression anymore. you can even see her demeanor and voice has changed a lot in interviews since then

    also its ridiculous the way y'all talk about her weight. even when she was visibly the heaviest in her career she looked completely healthy. skinnier does not mean healthier. and during nfr she even mentioned power lifting. 80% of you guys are gay men anyways so stfu about womens bodies please

    I didn't say my opinion about her weight, but the opinion of half the fans. I really don't care about that, I believe you got it wrong

  5. lately many people have said that lana has lost much of her glamor or does not appear physically as before in terms of aesthetics, speak ill of her current weight too, but that's not the point. 

    lana has always had her style doubly separated between the glamor of the stage and the casual style, most of her fans say that she lost her glamor or that she doesn't care about like before... I disagree but what is your opinion? I'm curious to know!

    thanks xoxo 




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