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Everything posted by violettiaras

  1. didn't she sa the grants was the closing track for tour on bbc?
  2. New dancers! Porctia Symone, Miesha Moora, Victoria Parsons Gracie, and at least one more but I don't know who. Anyone done the sleuthing yet? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRE93ppo/?t=1
  3. loveeee them! i adore both their visuals i wish they did a music video together
  4. turn of the mouth makes me think of make peoples faces (usually mouths) droop when get a stroke. So I figure her grandma or great uncle dick had a stroke and the other had heart problems/lung problems - something going on in their chest cavities. Tbh my explanation seems a little.. lacking still like im missing something
  5. i think it might be zella's car!
  6. closet concert to me is 3 hours away on a tuesday night ugh
  7. does anyone get the lines "There's something about the clutch of the wrist He thought mine was his to carve into his mouth and we've only got hours"
  8. It's so absurd how they're like, a separate entity from the rest of her management or whatever, and their ONLY thing is lana's merch but they can't keep the designs. Like.. just keep selling the NFR-BB merch and the throwback merch. They wanna act different than regular merch they should BE different. This statement comes mostly from bitterness at missing my chance to get them.
  9. girl i still am i love her i just wanna know
  10. I saw a tweet about Zella apparently repeatedly working with abusers. I'm not mad at her, considering she's not famous famous and doesn't have as many options/freedom to turn it down, but I'm still curious as to who the abusers are. Does anyone know?
  11. Thank you!! I checked out her instagram and she seems really cool, plus she sings too so maybe we'll get actual live background singing this tour! And same, Ashley was a regular server so i'll miss her too but good for her on becoming a business bitch.
  12. Has anyone figured out who the new girl on her story is? She's sitting next to Alex in the video and I'm presuming she's replacing Ashley who's now doing more of like, the business side of concerts versus performing now judging from her instagram.
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