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Posts posted by dietpepsicola

  1. just gonna ~throw it out there~ how many strippers have the "perfect" body type... maybe that's why she didn't get all toned up   :runs:


    What I'd really like to say is that it's sad that Lana's weight has even been mentioned (especially considering we're going to get a new ~dope~ video with an ~edgy~ monologue!!!!!) Weight is irrelevant and is also subjective, I suppose; if Lana's comfortable in her skin then great - that's all that matters. I like the fact she doesn't 'conform' to achieving the ~perfect~ body, (whatever that may be). There is no wrong or right size. And, moreover, she looks 'average sized' tbh. She's been on a tour too, toning up takes a long time and effort. 

  2. I really despise Adele (personal opinion), but today I listened to Skyfall and thought okay give the lady a chance....

    This tattoo confirms I was always right to despise her



    I'm being immature, many people get the same tattoos ... but paradise in the same place? cummon. and I don't feel immature for despising Adele (I've lost friends over her, I WILL NOT BACK DOWN)

  3. That's all I see here, just someone with substance whose feelings are raw and uninhibited. Which is as they should be. I don't think it's her growing an ego, I think it's just her getting her backbone back and being able to articulate her feelings fearlessly without feeling like she owes the world someone sweet and lily-livered. Sorry, I'll take a Lana who can be humble some times while giving the critics a clear middle finger while she spills salt in their wounds with a smug smirk on the occasion. She may be talking about how it's affected her, but if you look at where she is now compared to what a lot of articles and reviews had to say about her, all of it sounds very "Look who's laughing now?"

    just this tbh 



  4. PJ Harvey who was considered a feminist with her early albums, never thought of herself being one. TEN years later she would finally start answering questions about it saying that she is not informed enough about the different directions in feminism etc and that she struggles to consider herself one just because she doesn't know all about the history of feminism and that she needs to read more about it. 


    People should really calm down when it comes to this. It's quite a difficult topic to answer to. (except you are into Beyonce feminism a la "I'm a grown woman, I can do whatever I want") and keep it that simple.


    I found this quite interesting as there is something similar about Lana and PJ Harvey that I can't quite put my finger on 

  5. I don't think from this you could presume she has a personality disorder. Whilst facts don't add up in what she's saying I think it's more to do with her speaking in very vague terms about everything. IDK



    At any rate, i have a hard time finding anything engaging or interesting in her interviews. The more of them that i read/watch, the more i see her fitting into this pattern i’ve noticed in my life where the people whose music i really love are the ones who i’m least interested in as people (do any of you experience this too?), 


    I totally agree with this. I think it is juvenile of me to say this, but I find it hard to like actors/ singers etc. when I find out I don't agree w/ their views etc etc. But that is me being juvenile. 


    (So with LDR who I fan girl over more than anybody else I do not get too attached / affected by what she says because I like her music and that's why I should like her, not because of her 'bad girl life' or whatever.......) 


    I guess, what I get from Lana is that she is just about the music. Ultimately, she doesn't really care about people knowing too much about her (I'd be the same, I know.) I think that's why she gives such differing interviews all the time (...and also because she has just finished her tour)

  6. When you sing Ride to yourself for the entire duration of a bike ride 


    When you play BTD on vinyl in one room, whilst it plays on ipod in the other 


    When you mime the entire BTD album infront of the mirror, pouting ofc. 


    When these faces:  :horror:  :icant:  :brows:  :pft:  :lanasrs:  :judgingu:  :agree:  have become habitual 

  7. i guess it just ~visually struck her~ when she first saw it and the colour of the chateau inspired the colour scheme for the video games video. she stayed there a lot because it's a very expensive, nice hotel where tons and tons of celebrities have stayed in the past and still do. lindsay lohan lived there for a few months etc.

    I guess I'd do exactly the same if I was either in LA or could afford it  :pft:

  8. Tattoos


    I like the snake on your tattoo, I like the ivy and the ink blue (Yayo)

    Does she know I'm tattooed onto your heart? (She's Not Me)

    Tattoos they were glistening (You & Me)


    Is it your tattoos or golden grill that makes me feel this way? (Queen of Disaster)

  9. I think this outfit proves she can pull off this look (darker hair)



    look at her stood next to florence like bitch don't cramp my style  :whitney:


    i love you really florence :eek: 





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