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Bella Hadid

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Posts posted by Bella Hadid

  1. It's definitely interesting hearing where she's coming from and the complex way she perceives things as an artist, especially during this current phase of not being able to reconcile with past criticism of her authenticity and bad experiences with journalists. It actually made a lot of sense when she said it didn't surprise her that critics loved NFR because there "wasn't anything not to like", which is kind of true. That tells me that she knew some of her earlier albums and the way she portrayed of herself would turn some people off as opposed to NFR which was a phenomenal but also very accessible version of Lana Del Rey. Maybe it bothers her that she can receive acclaim so easily by shying away from telling parts of her story that exist in more of a moral grey area like songs about an abusive relationship. I don't think she would have lashed out at Ann Powers (the only serious critic who had some genuine criticism of the album) or posted QFTC if she had come to some sort of resolution over that. I know a few people personally who have a hard time accepting success or approval once they get it because they still haven't reconciled with how isolated they felt before when they weren't being approved. Kind of a "you like me at my most palatable but can't handle the real me" mindset. It seems Lana is still searching for the balance in that.

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