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Posts posted by ultraviolenced

  1. I started to become a fan from the Summertime Sadness remix in August 2013. In September, I started to listen to Born to Die and Paradise - specifically, Carmen, Off to the Races, and Burning Desire. By December, I was starting to listen to unreleased songs - two of the ones I can remember are Serial Killer.

  2. Palm trees in black and white

    You are a junkie on your window, smiling wide

    Palm trees in black and white

    Lean forward and you close your eyes

    Last fight, fuck them

    Last words before you went and left again

    I've seen 'Last words before you went under' again.

    (And can I just say how much I hate the Jump demo?)

  3. Smarties and Dum Dums have completely different meanings.


    And a few weeks ago, I was at the mall with my friends and we were in a music store when I saw Born to Die, Paradise, and Ultraviolence on vinyl. My parents have a record player, and I wanted to get them so bad, but I didn't have enough money... :crying5:

  4. There are some demos that are better than the final version. I like the demo for For K Part 2 (aka Rehab) better than the final version. But I also hate some demos, like the one for Jump. Jump is so good productionally that I can't stand the demo.

  5. I don't think Lana is an icon. I love her as a singer, but she isn't influential enough to really be called an icon.


    Britney for example is someone who deserves to be called an icon. Not only has she dominated pop for over a decade, she has ~ revolutionized ~ it. Lana is really only beginning her break through in the U.S., while she is a big name and has accomplished a lot, I don't think she ever wanted to be an icon. So it's hard to put her in that lane.

    I agree with this. People like Britney are icons - hell, I would consider Beyonce an icon.

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