I don't care about her sound anymore. She was/is eclectic enough musically anyway. Regarding her next record, I will care, for the first time seriously, about the concept of the album and the lyrics. If she will sing again about some doomed romance, namedrop some dead legend or she'll use some of her now "signature" tropes (die young - live fast, crazy woman, sad girl, red dress, misunderstood artiste etc.) I'm out and I will never look back. I'm done excepting her laziness in songwriting and I expect something interesting from her next time around. Also, I don't want to hear on her next record any lamenting/trolling songs about critics (who btw where exceptionally nice with her regarding HM). Since she doesn't do any promo for her stuff at least she can sit at home and create something beautiful and meaningful lyrically. Musically I want her to sing with passion, to feel that she is interested to convey something, that she believes in something. If she mumbles through an album like HM again than she can keep it for herself.
If she cannot improve lyrically, it wouldn't be a bad idea to hire some writers for her next record, but in that case she'll loose her songwriter status and she's not much of a singer besides her records...so she needs to write (she said that she's a writer first anyway). So I hope that she'll come up with something good next time around and I can get into her music again