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Everything posted by melodrama

  1. Can someone share the whole bio she's talking about? I can't open the site right now
  2. The ptsd i just got from that sentence...
  3. Secret shows performing NTMT
  4. This new random post made me laugh out loud lmao https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQxdxtvu75/
  5. I think that Mother censor was a last minute decision for streaming so probably not but i'm not sure maybe it might pop up in later copies
  6. Yes, but it's not muted they added a sound effect that sounds like a shiny wind. The effect sounds like something from a Disney movie
  7. Thanks just checked and it happens at 3:47 on the official release too, it sounds like a mess to me, so obvious Does she hate her so much now that she doesn't even want to talk about her existence or something maybe? Idk
  8. Can you give me the minute mark where the big change is I'm in online class rn and can't check the whole song
  9. It's already posted here I think Edit: the link didn't work like cuz of the embed so try this: http://lanaboards.com /topic/16244-did-you-know-that-theres-a-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd-pre-release-thread-out-march-24th-2023/?do=findComment&comment=1556404
  10. All those free Sky Ferreira commenters again ENOUGH! Biggest delulu ever
  11. New Instagram post with the caption “leash” that looks like something from Don't Forget music video: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7oH6aLlMM/
  12. Wait y'all i'm probably late but I just realized BOZ deleted his Twitter account too.... What's happening???
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