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Posts posted by Sweb92

  1. 54 minutes ago, hashtagtylerh said:

    My interpretation is that she wishes people saw her for more than her looks or what she seems to be on the surface level; she wants them to look deeper and try to understand her (see her soul and heart)

    I've just realised as I read your reply, because she was being criticised for weight gain and in the song metaphorically all that fits is the suit your interpretation is probably correct, she wants people to see her heart rather than her weight gain

  2. 2 minutes ago, yourolllikethunder said:

    I think it’s “hospitals” 🥺🥺🥺 I truly do - I think that’s why she’s giving such careful consideration to the composition/release of BTIG, because that’s the first time she’ll really tell at least part of that story 


    Yesterday on the life she says the poems are “unflattering” to her - since the Guardian’s “I wish I was dead already” incident, I think she knows what a field day the press will have with painting her out to be some kind of irrational lunatic when that’s so far from the truth of mental health situations (which I assume she’s talking about in BTIG given her allusions to it but could be wrong).

    Hospital makes sense


    With lithium came poetry


    Maybe this is how she started writing, which would indeed explain it all!

  3. Okay so! In her Instagram live video, Lana was asked what made this record different from her others... she said there was one word / aspect woven into one of the songs which she has never spoken about before and that it pretty much explains everything... guys what is this? I was thinking maybe cherry blossom because I think it's about a miscarriage she had, and that's why she didn't put Fine China on the tracklist because they were both about the same thing but I'm not sure... what could possibly explain everything about her on blue bannisters that she hasn't spoken about before???

  4. 2 hours ago, BluVelvUnderground said:

    It's vague enough to where it could really go many ways. She's going to be her own person and won't take being held back from whatever it is she wants to do. Maybe it's just getting angry. Maybe it's going hard in the bed. With the verses, though, and comparing it to the color blue, though, I think it's more than likely the inability to get him out of her mind. So many possibilities. :bliss:

    See I thought the sex thing too! Like she feel so intense about him, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that because that's the first thing on my mind when I listen to it

  5. 2 hours ago, BluVelvUnderground said:

    I hope people come around to the tracklist. "Nectar of the Gods" is being underrated af, when it's one of the best things she's done - but following it up with "Living Legend" had me in tears. I haven't cried like that with one of her songs since "California" the first time I listened to NFR, and I think having it follow "How to disappear" is partly why that had me such a mess.  

    Nectar is honestly one of my favourite songs she's ever done, I think its beautiful..  what do you think she means in the chorus by getting wild on him? I've had theories but I'd like to hear other peoples

  6. Spoiler

    So the album is beautiful, a few of the tracks underwhelmed me but it's a lovely album overall... however after listening to the trio I can't help but think how much better her music could be if she made songs with that sort of beat and fire to it?? The trio could have made a killer full song imo. I think nectar of the gods would have been my favourite if I hadn't have been listening to a year Prior


  7. Ok, so I just went for a walk and listen to the album for the first time... I think it's ok and it is a beautiful album, but I'm a bit underwhelmed by it to be honest... it's probably something to do with having heard a lot of the songs already and it all being a little bit too samey throughout the tracklisting, but I'm sure it will grow on me and I understand the album is very personal to Lana and is very beautiful so hopefully I will be able to enjoy as much as her other albums listening a little bit more.. I found beautiful and if you lie down with me to be the most underwhelming and I loved dealer and black bathing suit was nice

  8. Nectar of the Gods is literally one of my favourite unreleased songs by her... on one hand I don't want it to change too much because it's perfect as it is, but on the other hand I want her to have changed it so that is a different version because I've already listened to it so many times ?  I am also scared to listen to any of her other unreleased material in case she decides to include them in a future project too ?

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