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Posts posted by Itsoknow

  1. This song is about having an abortion I’m convinced ... I was someone say this on a precious thread too but I can’t find that thread again... anyway it’s a beautiful song 

  2. I came here to this random ass thread from 2013, having never even listened to Lana del ray somehow until now just to say this. I’ve had an abortion and the second I heard bel air I had an extremely emotional response, when I listened to the song, it brought me back to this whole journey in my life of my abortion , it’s very hard to explain but that was my first thought when I heard the song!! I’m convinced as well. To me the lyrics are just so reminiscent of that type of child loss. Not to get too deep I’m very at peace with things but... I’ve never heard something that seems to represent that complex experience so beautifully and hauntingly. Hope I didn’t get too deep.

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