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Everything posted by CharlisHouseParty

  1. every rule demo also leaked
  2. does anyone have atap stems... i just want it bc it has the clearest and least modified "eh eh xcx, CHARLI" out of her discog lol
  3. the way utkm isnt out
  4. move me sounds like a britney song from glory let's talk about it
  5. whens used to know me coming out again
  6. also, very very excited for crash deluxe. hope we can get taxi or sweat on it, but if we can't its fine honestly. a 9/10 album already so im happy.
  7. so can anyone explain what happened in paris? "our boyfriend" and a lot of other songs mention some sort of cheating happening there and i'm very confused.
  8. every rule is out to everyone already oomfies
  9. she most likely wrote all of it before hifn, the demos that leaked were said to be made before hifn
  10. i wonder if no angel was written about what happened in grammy night but also, how do we know for sure it happened twice?
  11. also absolutely not the self titled slander 1. charli = hifn (= xcx world sessions) 2. crash = vroom² 3. pop 2 = n1a 4. tr 5. sucker 6. 14
  12. we've been over this they are different songs help
  13. new charli tweet... is the surprise that we have the album early as a the bree exclusive
  14. the one she sang live
  15. just streamed the full album in HQ and unwatermarked. CRASH 5/5 best song ever created New Shapes 2/5 speaks for itself Good Ones 4/5 still good Constant Repeat 4/5 worse than what i expected but rlly good BFY 3/5 aged badly Move Me 4/5 so good Baby 5/5 touched by god Lightning 5/5 touched by god² Every Rule 4/5 actually cute Yuck 4/5 so much better than the demo UTKM 4/5 cute bop, outro a little bad Twice 3/5 old version was better
  16. i got all the demo l words sorry...
  17. is that xcx3 shoot telephone wire curl hair i see
  18. we desperately want this pic without the album cover and "crash" logo
  19. i think that's a lie in daddy knows' case, but the QT vocals were in the background playing when she performed burn rubber live so that makes sense im still gonna kill someone abt it tho
  20. i just heard charli's version of burn rubber live and... please someone leak it HQ + studio oh my god
  21. she also said fans will help with the setlist i wanna dream 😭
  22. umm.... anyways that baby performance???? flawless oh my god. beg for you was so good too.
  23. can we all collectively agree february 2017 is charlis worst song in her released discography that would end careers
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