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Posts posted by AlllA

  1. 1 hour ago, sophiesmom said:


    I reread what I wrote yesterday and let me clarify, she wasn't that bad! I actually enjoyed her vocal performance – i dont think she sang badly, despite her saying otherwise lol – and she really looked gorgeous and quirky in a good way, she even laughed a bit when one of my friends couldn't stop screaming from excitement and there was a moment where she ¿kinda? tried to wave at someone (but she immediately stopped as she was getting distracted from the song I guess lol). Anyway, despite the messiness of it all and her looking visibly mad and disappointed there were cute moments.


    It was the beginning of the show what was surely hard to look at: her standing there for a hot minute looking at the techs waiting for the music to start, her bandmates being confused too without a proper music cue, the silence of the crowd with sudden outbursts of cheering just to be silent again.. i know some people will say that was the festival's fault, but how come every other show ran smoothly without any major problems? Imho she could have played it cool and just say whatever while they were working to fix their issues, ask us if we were having fun, explain their situation, introduce her band members, talk about the nice weather and how she's excited to start festival season or just anything else, idk. While she's on the stage she kinda has certain responsibilities she has to deal with. 


    Maybe I sounded a bit harsh, but it was her attitude towards the sound difficulties that rubbed me the wrong way, and I don't want to be one of those fans who will excuse everything their fave does or are willing engage in mental gymkhanas to pretend to enjoy something that's not really being fun. I really wanted to see her enjoy herself and that didn't happen, most of the time she was tragically caught up in herself instead of, you know, going for it! put on a good show despite the disadvantages! – at least thats how I felt it – and I actually ended up being more worried about her wellbeing than disappointed. At least i'm glad I was there to cheer for her. 


    I really like her and I do care, and if making live shows stresses her out or increases her anxiety levels to some unhealthy degrees I would prefer that she would find a way to make it work for her instead of keep tripping over the same stone over and over. That being said, I don't think i'll ever forget this concert. At times it felt like the apparition of the virgin mary lol. if anyone was there in the Primavera audience, I would love to read your experiences too! i know for a fact some people had a really great time.

    I was at Primavera in Barcelona and I absolutely agree with all of this. Her show was an absolute mess of unprofessionalism and one of the most awkward experiences I've had in a live show ever. I barely can excuse or save it other that seeing it as Sky's 'iconic' behavior. I'm personally starting to get tired of this situation getting repeated and never moving past beyond it. Like, we get it: life is heavy on you, you've had many difficulties getting there and everything is overwhelming but... is that narrative going to keep happening forever?
    The best part was what you said, being able to see her in person. Having seen so many images of her face, of her photoshoots, so many iconic tumblr selfies... it was shocking to finally have her in front of my eyes as a real person. I wish she had taken her glasses off for a few songs tho... we did't even get to see her eyes (but I get that would be too much to ask).

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