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Posts posted by Alt

  1. Oh I forgot to mention the Other Worlds launch in November 4th. It will be a record with acoustic songs from Death By Rock And Roll, covers and the Got So High Remix. I was kinda let down with it because there is almost nothing new there since all the covers included we have seen on YouTube already and the acoustic versions too besides Harley Darling. Like they could at least put a new song there to make it exiting or a different cover. I am glad that the Quicksand by David Bowie cover will be on streaming services tho, that cover is incredible.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROpb33pHWQZc5cUPkXdl8

  2. 20 minutes ago, Pretty On The Indide said:

    They’ve always been trying way too hard. Like they’re definitely talented but it feels a bit forced sometimes like “Look How Rock And Roll We Are”

    I don’t agree truth is they are criminality underrated and under appreciated. Unfortunately Taylor acting past is a draw back a lot of people, the gp don’t seem to get over it but I am glad she now focus 100% on music which is what she is passionate about. She is so brave to decide to create rock music when that genre has not been on the mainstream at all in the 2010s and get rid of what could have been a successful acting career. She said in a recent interview that Interscope tried to force them to do pop music but she didn’t bow down to them and broke the contract to sign with a indie label like imagine one minute you are one of the biggest celebrities in the country and you just go the indie label route.

  3. Their new single it’s Got So High. I loved the video for it and they released a remix for it too but unfortunately I did not vibe with the remix lol The song could do so well in alternative radio if they could push It but I doubt they will get out of the bubble. Their management suck tbh 


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