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Everything posted by Trrrrrr

  1. Oh so excited for some info to come and also overjoyed for what I have missed
  2. this thread IS HOT again still nothing new
  3. OMG dollies are alive and breathing
  4. @Selfloathinpoetbxtch look what you do
  5. better be or I'll let you know how cruel the world is
  6. what does "De onde veio essa gnt?" mean? gnt?
  7. this talk is happening under what Neil concluded for Weyes blood's new album, I think there is more possibility that they have planned to do something during a specific period to come in accordance with "see y soon". so I agree with your second view
  8. too dry here to think it's about lana for certain
  9. he never replied to comments about lana so...
  10. he just said, "fuck I love GPSOTSOMFWHDSF"
  11. from Ben's description: gorgeous, ethereal, beautiful, special
  12. it's 10pm in LA or so, @TheDollClub is still not here I'm genuinely gullible, I'm going to get a life
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