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Posts posted by TheDollClub

  1. A teaser WAS supposed to have come out in September, and something WAS supposed to come out Tuesday. But it didn’t. My source was wrong. Embarrassment. It’s what I felt…… when nothing was announced that day. I had all of yours backs. You never had mine. It’s okay, I will rise. I would love to show more proof of my worthiness, but th(e)y are always watching us




  2. 3 minutes ago, NikoGo said:

    I can't see the label being the one to push a digital release, because labels care about charts, and that'd destroy any chance of a good chart run. Also, no high profile artists do digital drops anymore. Beyonce and Taylor both carefully planned their rollout and had vinyls day one.


    That said, I welcome any and all info because it gives the forum life and things for us to talk about 


    Long Nails On Your Back when!?

    A pre-order purchase still counts on the charts. Aswell as albums sold with a ticket for a show

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