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Everything posted by imaginist

  1. You could look at it that way if you want cuz it kinda works, but I’m very positive Lana is not encouraging people to off themselves lmao Just seems like a simple song explaining if you feel like you don’t fit in where you are anymore or there’s nothing left for you to do there, it’s time to explore and move on and find a better place for yourself where you can thrive. It’s very nomadic, that’s why she mentions all those different places. Kinda seems like Ride’s little sister
  2. Charlie stop smoking Caroline, will you be with me? Will the baby be alright? Will I have one of mine? Can I handle it? Even if I do, it’s said my mind is not fit (or so they said) to carry a child…. I guess I’ll be fine
  3. Streamed the whole album twice at work today, did you all give Mother her streams today?
  4. Ours is almost identical!! I would probably just switch UV and HM
  5. It’s also very annoying when most YouTube reactioners skip the interlude right before it gets to the most important part and then they’re like “I don’t know why she had to put that there”
  6. So why did she have to censor ‘mother’ in Fingertips when it’s shown in Apple Music’s lyrics anyway? that could still cause a lawsuit if Patty really gave a fook
  7. How come MC was updating so fast on Monday with each review coming out, but now it’s not budging?
  8. Ugh every time I hear Margaret, no matter what mood I’m in, every time Lana starts talking halfway through, I get the biggest smile on my face and I start to cry LOL
  9. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE EVERYTHING ON THIS ALBUM except the horrendous censoring of “MOTHER****” on Fingertips. Girl. Let it out.
  10. Her most controversial and depressing lyrics to date, but with the sluttiest psychedelic hip hop beats you can ride c*ck to
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