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Everything posted by sublimedreamersublime

  1. I have been listening to Skinheads on YouTube nonstop these past few days. That song is so good. I can't believe it wasn't released. I know it was supposed on the Golden Age EP (and imo it should've been). It sounds similar to another song on there in terms of the production but I can't figure out which song.
  2. Fiona Apple will be one of the featured artists on the new The Waterboys album which is to be released on April 4th. Fiona will be featured on track 17 which is titled "Letter From an Unknown Girlfriend".
  3. Hayden went live on NTS Radio today. Here's the link to watch it if you missed it: https://www.nts.live/shows/ethel-cain/episodes/ethel-cain-10th-january-2025 There's a little bit of commentary at the beginning and at the end. The majority of the episode is just the EP playing in its entirety. Episode 2 will be available next Friday (January 17th) and then Episode 3 will be available Friday, January 24th.
  4. Do y'all remember that livestream Hayden did on YouTube a few months back of her making an ambient track for Soundcloud? Part of that intro was used in Thatorchia. That must be why she took it down so quickly. Here's the link to a video someone posted of that livestream: https://youtu.be/RgZmaxEl9_0?si=wfjClFfR9Clof_Hh
  5. https://pitchfork.com/news/the-waterboys-recruit-fiona-apple-bruce-springsteen-for-new-album/
  6. It's been 2 years since Married in Mount Airy was released. I can't wrap my head around it. I remember listening to it as soon as it was released.
  7. Y'all a hacker was arrested for obtaining unreleased songs and making money off of them and based off of what I read the hacker had Melanie's unreleased songs as well as unreleased songs by other artists. There is a thread about it on here. I'm not sure if y'all have seen it, but in case y'all haven't here's the link: https://lanaboards.com/topic/20619-hacker-gets-suspended-prison-sentence-for-selling-unreleased-music/
  8. Just thought I'd share some things on here. Fiona's roommate Zelda posted on X about a week ago: "There should be some new stuff very soon. Not an album but some great one off projects. I don’t know any timeline yet but I promise you will not be disappointed". Here's the link: https://x.com/zeldahallman/status/1871615644887908535 She also posted on X back in May that she had listened to a new song Fiona had written and possibly recorded. Here's the link: https://x.com/zeldahallman/status/1793468277840286033
  9. Did y'all see Melanie's insta story? She said "thank you for everything excited for whenever the day comes that you get to hear my next project(s)" She might be working on a few projects. She's obviously working on her next album but that won't be out until 2027 (considering it takes four years after each release for the next one to come out). I'm hoping one of those projects will be that poetry/photography book she mentioned back in 2020.
  10. Here's my thoughts on this: The other characters can't see Melanie (or Crybaby) in the music video that's why no one is scared of her. She's just observing what's happening in the world. It makes sense that she's a butterfly (bc of the first lyric in the song) but I do agree with you that all of the videos seem disconnected from each other. Also, I'd like to think that Crybaby came back to Earth as a butterfly bc that's the only way that this makes sense to me. Or that could be Crybaby in spirit form idk.
  11. Just watched the SPIDER WEB music video. It's my favorite out of the music videos released so far.
  12. Why hasn't anyone posted anything else on here (it's been almost 8 years). Anyways, go stream Christina's music on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, wherever you can so more of her songs can be released. If you don't know she recorded about 60 or so songs before she died.
  13. I hope so. If not, then maybe early next year.
  14. On Tumblr someone asked Hayden "what track no. are you most excited for us to hear" and she replied "eight". So with that I'm assuming this next project will have at least eight tracks (for those who don't know this next project isn't part of the Ethel Cain story if that makes sense). I don't think it'll be released this year, maybe next year.
  15. Just came across this video on YouTube and thought I'd share it here.
  16. Nicole posted this in her Instagram bio: "TLᏬC ♡". I think it could stand for the title of her next album. What do y'all think?
  17. Idk. Nicole hasn't posted anything about that or her next album. She usually starts posting again in September so maybe we'll get an update then.
  18. I'm still waiting on the SPIDER WEB music video. I hope it'll be released soon.
  19. I'm thinking it might not be released until next year (at least I hope so).
  20. I saw someone on here posting about new leaks so I thought it was something new. I really want to hear Menace To Society. I am obsessed with that snippet.
  21. Is this all that has leaked so far?
  22. I just want to share when I first discovered Nicole's music. It was late 2019 (I believe it was December). My brother and I were having a conversation and he mentioned the song 'Please Eat' and played it. At first I wasn't really into it but then after hearing it a few times I started to like it. I believe it was 2020 or 2021 when I listened to the rest of Nicole's discography.
  23. Has Nicole posted anything? I know she just posted a photo last month on Instagram and that was it. I don't have Twitter (or X). Has she posted anything on there?
  24. Y'all Melanie looks so beautiful in those photos she posted on Instagram. Don't give up on it yet. I'm sure it will be out soon. I hope it will come out before The Trilogy Tour starts.
  25. I'm still not over Televangelism playing in the background of an episode of Invincible.
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