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Everything posted by MJx

  1. lowkey thinking about canceling my amazon order and ordering the standard one (i dont want having multiple copies of albums in my collection), but i fear i might regret it in the future
  2. why did they think that it's a good idea to put the drawings on the picture discs when those beautiful ocean shots by neil exist UGH
  3. it's such a bummer bc that "pink" doesnt even go well with the cover. honestly i hate color vinyl records, i wish we got standard black with just cover variations ugh
  4. has anyone been charged by amazon germany, or any amazon actually
  5. MJx

    Taylor Swift

    honestly i do like taylor, but it is a cringe moment, it's blatant cosplay
  6. MJx

    Taylor Swift

    u know its true
  7. MJx

    Taylor Swift

    Why is this girl cosplaying Florence Welch on the tour lmao, kinda cringe how she is copying both the look and the movements
  8. i wouldn't blame her if she was homophobic... it really do be the fags that are the reason we cant have nice things
  9. amazon pink is available on the german amazon if anyone wants it
  10. i think that if she had title track, margaret & either of the last two tracks on the album as the first 3 singles, there would be much more hype around the album
  11. funny how the only negative critic review uv got on metacritic - the 405, no longer exists others should take notes
  12. Im having trouble ranking the tracks of this album still, there is not even a song i would skip wow
  13. Taco Truck x VB is my fav
  14. as far as i know, only the one sold at the paradise tour, with the OG LDR font, was a zippo. Then when she switched it with the cursive font the lighters were from touchlite, and i am pretty sure we are getting the exact same touchlite lighters again this time
  15. basically ppl who follow lana on spotify get "presale" links of that pressing in their email
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