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Everything posted by BabyTonight

  1. Idk why people care so much about her past relationships tbh! I mean when I first found out about all that I was fascinated but that weared off now it's just like yeah Lana, you go girl... I'm only interested in K, tbh. And I would let my boyfriend hit me ngl.
  2. Lol I always had thought she dated Jimmy and slept with Revvee, tbh. And I think I still believe that I mean, they Tweeted each other back in '11 or something and I doubt they'd be on good terms if she slept with Jimmy while still invested in a relationship w Revvee, but it seems like Jimmy is still on good terms with Lana after that so I guess you could say it's a fucked up holiday. I really do believe her and Jimmy had a relationship. For whatever reasons, fans need so much "evidence" to agree to that but I feel like the songs speak for themselves and I doubt she'd write such deeply invested songs to guys she never dated or had relationships with. Also, do you think Jim hit her tbh?
  3. They had a relationship. "Jimmy says that everytime, I think I have a good idea..." Jimmy talked to ha! Also she slept with Revvee, him and Jim were like BFFs, performed together, whatever. I can't believe people think Lana was just a lovestruck fan!
  4. I honestly love her to death but don't own much merchandise. I bought Born To Die, but the album like fall apart lol I still have the CD somewhere though! And I bought a digital copy of UV, deluxe edition if that counts. I plan on buying all physical copies of her albums eventually, maybe get a poster.
  5. Of course! That's what I'm trying to say while providing evidence lolol I definitely think it's about Jimmy, however their relationship seems so peculiar when you listen to You're Gonna Love Me I am.... Disgusted!
  6. Well "AKA" was released in 2010 and she was, if I'm right 24 at the time? So she definitely met and had whatever relationship she had with Jimmy. And I don't think it's a coincidence tbh! She loves to tie her inside jokes and pet names and etc from relationships into her songs. It doesn't surprise me if she purposely used a similar sound for a song that a musician she was dating had. Also to point out Jimmy was 36 in 2010! So I think it makes sense. I know that age gap is probably not a big deal, but I know for someone who's kind of fascinated of the fantasy of being with someone older you try to tie it into any different age gap. Even just by a couple years, I definitely do this and Lana probably does too. Since we know how she is.
  7. I've never listened to his music!
  8. I think this subject is so tired. I find Lana's drug use kind of thrilling but I don't really fixate on it, I never really did. I don't think she still uses hard drugs, but like any ex drug addict, I think she still has coping issues. Like Ride for example I think sometimes she may get into hard patches in her life that make her want to use again. It's hard to stay completely sober but I have confidence she has. That being said, I think that's really her business at this point. And unless she's vomiting out of night clubs and what not, I don't really care - am not really concerned about Lana doing drugs right now.
  9. While I feel like she has staying power I think it's good for business she's reverting back to Born To Die + Paradise sounds. I feel like that's what people want. I know it's what a majority of this fan base wants and we know the general fans love that Born To Die sound, I hope she does promo and sells well again this era. And more than three singles + music videos please.
  10. I love Summer of Sam! It seems kinda underrated lol - The song seems so Summer-y and breezy, I love her kind of laid back up beat songs
  11. I remember someone saying Put Me In A Movie was about that older man she was seeing... Forgot his name, I can't remember. But the dates weren't cohesive to this. Then I remember someone suggested it was about Jimmy because he was relatively "older" than Lana at the time and that was her way of tying her relationship into a Lolita-esque fantasy. Also, there's a video of Jimmy performing live with the almost exact same instrumental as Put Me In A Movie, they are almost the same. So I believe this theory on the song more than the others. This song would make more sense to me if the first theory was correct. People were speculating that this song was about that older guy I mentioned who lent her clips or whatever, because he was a small time filmmaker or some jazz like that. And this was her song to him to "put her in a movie" lolol but like I said the dates weren't cohesive. And about the Jimmy post, at first I thought he was trying to fabricate it because of the claims that he abused her. So "We met in Jan. 2014" was kinda his way of saying "I could never have hit her when I only met her this past year" ... I mean regardless I still think he has a funny choice of words but we all still are aware that had a relationship and what not whether he was trying to hide that or not.
  12. Just seems shady! And her songs are kind of evidence they had SOME type of relationship in the past... Ur Gonna Love Me, Get Drunk, Put Me In a Movie, etc...
  13. Didn't Jimmy lie tho? In the IG comment he said he met Lana in Jan. 2014 which was obviously a lie... I don't know if he would have ever hit her though. Then again the hit me and felt like a kiss lyric may just be referencing the actual song? Just like in FK with "Chic a Cherry Cola lime"
  14. Barrie... It seems like he made her happy and she did say he changed her a lot. I wish she would have stayed with him. I still have hope they'll end up together. Still convinced Ride + Flipside are about him tbh Ride! Alcohol + drugs Pretty obvious I know! Good question though.. I wonder too.
  15. Florida Kilos since August Falling Apart I Can Fly Flipside Brooklyn Baby
  16. Flipside.... Such a beautiful song, and it doesn't seem to get much recognition.
  17. THIS. I love her with her dark features. Such a beauty.
  18. the albums are perfect the way they are imho.
  19. Can someone help me find that gold chain? I seriously, cannot find it anywhere lol. I want one just like that. Someone please link me. That shirt is so cute. Looks unisex too, I want one!
  20. He's dead lbr. If he was still alive, she'd probably still be committed to him.
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