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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. I get “really bad song” vibes from Light Shower will die on that hill
  2. Born To Be Remembered just clicked for me… a beautiful and haunting song
  3. Y’all are right, Unhappy Meal has a very mysterious vibe to it and I think that’s part of its appeal
  4. u are not alone! I have mentioned before that Unhappy Meal is genius lyrically. I wish she had finished it, the demo sounds great. Love the dark tone of the song and the sarcastic/sassy topics. Her writing during those days was on point!
  5. Sweet boy, straight out of the movie screen Candy hearts and chocolate dreams I met my prince upon a popcorn bowl He held my heart and let it go Ice cream upon a summer's day Beginnin' sweetness never stays You speak sour lemonade to me The bitter taste won't let me be One kiss was supposed to be so sweet But I found grapefruit in your teeth Old gum is all you'll ever be to me I spit you out and brush my teeth Enough of your bittersweet Your sugar rots my teeth Clogs up my arteries She really was a genius! The metaphor, clever lyrics and grand production make this song one of my all time favourites from her Reminds me of WTBCF and BOMM which are ALSO masterpieces
  6. Wait! Did she take the Dollhouse EP out of streaming devices?? I don’t find Dead To Me or Bittersweet Tragedy (her best ballad ever with Seesaw) anywhere in ITunes
  7. Melanie is very cringe and we didn’t even know until K-12
  8. I didn’t arrange them with dates in mind, just how it sounded better to me. With the same logic, Vultures belongs in the DIP era
  9. also studio version of Tough Guys and Tears Of a Virgin Heart!!
  10. Anonymcomenter


    Her mom Pebe posted a TikTok teasing the new album release date
  11. We need Guilty, Time Bomb and Expensive!
  12. those words will hunt u sweetie I could try and debunk everything here but imma let time do that u tried, love your enthusiasm though
  13. God! I have always though this… I’m glad I’m not the only one sensing this Melanie vibe in that song Same with Poisoned With Love by Neon Hitch
  14. People here saying this will go number 1… gurl…
  15. I wish there would have been more songs but Mermaids is great as it is! love the transition from the singing intro to the hard hitting beat! Reminds me of Daffodil a bit and that’s one of my favourites in Dance Fever My only critique would be the Britney Spears lyric… don’t make much sense to me in the context of the song. Guess she was trying a more modern take
  16. Okay, finally heard the song complete this is a MESS I don’t wanna even finish it, so boring
  17. Anonymcomenter


    I have never watched this before. I do like some of Gagas music and think the comparison is old but to say she writes and produces her own music like Madonna doesn’t… gurl! Madonna has a really distinctive way of writting music I could recognize a song of hers on a sec. Her vision for each one of her eras also… my god Madonna co produced Ray Of Light and Confessions On The Dancefloor, 2 or the most influential pop records in the past decades… she has reinvented herself so many times and I doubt any other popstar will ever be on her level. Maybe Gaga is a better singer and plays more instruments than her but since Born This Way or maybe ARTPOP I haven’t heard anything outstanding by her She was fighting for gay rights and HIV before anyone else in the industry… even for Gaga who has used the community as a safe place since the start of her career but let’s be honest… 2010s ain’t no 80-90s when it comes to those social issues I understand for Gaga is difficult to take herself seriously with people always comparing them (and she really is very talented) but there’s no need to downplay Madonna. Specially when Gagas latest work has been a flop… Madonna may be out of her mind now but she dominated 4 decades in a row I don’t think she meant that in a bad way but the choice of words was maybe a little off for me. Madonna herself is no saint, she does tend to make mean comments about other artist, specially females… but the thing is… she has a career to back it up
  18. u are NOT stretching, it’s literally the vibe she’s givin
  19. Well… TOTL is produced by the same guy and it’s considered among her best work by everyone here so…!! I don’t think working with him is the problem here, lots of gays seem to ignore that fact. For me clearly the problem is the low quality of her recent music and the desperate searching of a hit by TikTok ing every fucking release
  20. It is not… u could bop to it? Yes. but why conform with mediocrity when she has proven before what she’s capable of? it’s not like it’s just one lackluster song, it’s one after another at this point it’s not hate, but concern for her public image… the label is clearly doing her dirty
  21. well… first Remind Me then Malibu then Future Starts Now then Coconuts then Slut Pop Then Unholy She kept my interest a little the RUTH cover and then IJWR and Brrr 🥶 to top it all this horrible single Alone I mean… not a single good musical moment since Clarity for me (at least as for official releases go)
  22. This song is so bad… Kim Petras is the prime example of a girl with lots of potential and a great voice fucked up by her labels stupid decisions… her career has become a literal meme at this point, I can’t even take her seriously after Slut Pop
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